04. Truly Ironic

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04. Truly Ironic

After I leave Angelina with Morgan, I go to my own room. Entering the small perfect square place gives me an air of home.

I go to my small dresser and catch a glimpse of my reflection.

Pin straight, honey brown hair reaches the middle of my back. Doe hazel eyes, a dainty nose, a heart shaped face. A smile tugs at my pink lips.

At least good looks aren't reserved for the higher ranks. I'd say I'm fairly cute.

I go through my drawer and take out a small, brown notebook. My diary.

Yeah, anyone who knows me won't believe I have one. But I do have this little product of tree death and I like to call it; The lill' b*tch.

I open an empty page and start writing;

I wonder why people think that you need a reason to respect someone. I think you need a reason not to respect someone. Just the title of a 'Living thing' should be enough to respect each other.

It's not our races, or ranks, or looks that make us important to the world or define us. It's our actions that define us.

I sometimes wonder if my mate will care that I'm an Omega. If he will be disappointed. Well, if that happens, I sure as hell will be disappointed.

Rather than love, I want respect. I demand respect. I want my life partner to let me stand besides him rather than behind him. I want him to acknowledge my existence and personality other than his mate or an Omega─


"I'm not doing anything!" I snap the cover shut

"He's here, sweetie!" Mom says, ignoring my statement "Luke is back!"

"Oh my God," I say monotonously as I put my diary back "Woo-Hoo."

"Don't be so dry, dear." Mom takes my arm "come on, at least have a look at him!"

He's the most handsome man I've ever seen, you know Darcie had said. Well, let's see what this Mr. Universe looks like.

Mom and I enter the great hall built besides the pack house for meetings or celebrations. The scent of at least a hundred Lycans, perfumes and food reaches my nose at once.

The place is packed, a lot more people are here than I expected. Probably because they invited guests from neighboring packs too.

"Look! There on the stage!" Mom says to me

I look ahead, above the sea of people, at the stage and my eyes widen.

Dark, stormy blue eyes stare back at me, as if they've been looking for me this entire time. I swallow thickly.

I'm screwed.

"Isn't he handsome?" Mom asks me

"Umm, yeah, gorgeous." I say mindlessly

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