34. Sloth in a race

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Hello my amazing readers! So... I didn't update yesterday 😅 It was both intentional and unintentional.

Intentional cuz I wanted to build a little suspense and unintentional cuz I had some dinner plans.

Anyways, Enjoy!

34. Sloth in a race


“Are you sure?” I ask her again

Hazel turns around, hands on her hips and gives me a look, golden eyes gleaming with irritation.

“Luke, are you sure I was the one who feel ill?” she asks

“I don’t want to take any risk,” I cant risk you

We’ve been bantering over this since morning. It took her another day to recover from that poison. Her fever is gone, the bruise on her wound is almost gone too and her steady heart beat tells me she’s fine now.

I know that we have to move on, I know that our time is limited but I don’t want her to strain herself.

“I’m perfectly fine!” Hazel says, tossing her golden-brown hair over her shoulder “What do you think I am? A damsel in distress?” 

“Then don’t complain later.” I say as I pick up the bag

“Finally!” she grins “Lets go and win!”

With a quirk of my lips, I take her hand in mine and start forward, careful to let my pace be slow in the start. We can go faster gradually.

Her hand is so small in mine, but fits perfectly. A tingly feeling rises up my arm and I wonder if she could feel it too, if she could see what I had started to see us as. I glance at Hazel from the corner of my eyes.

Bound by habit, my eyes take in the detail of her. the shades of golden and brown in her hair, the perfect arch of her brows, her wide hazel eyes that look like pools of gold, the careful incline of her nose, the pouty shape of her lips.

I always knew she was beautiful, but with the way she acts most of the time, I was fairly sure she’s just a childish, fragile girl.

But Hazel did what no other woman has ever managed to do.

She surprised me.

With resilience, bravery, wit and more hope and contentment than any one I’ve seen. She surprised me with her depth, and if I could, I would take every moment of my day asking her about the way she saw the world.

Maybe I’d find someone else.’ She had said that night so long ago

Maybe I already have. I tighten my hold on her hand and increase my speed slightly.

Not finding your mate isn’t rare. As the law states, unmated Lycantroups can get married to another at the age of 20

Even though the ceremony around full moon night and the two people mark each other, creating a pseudo-mate bond, if the real soulmate of either of the partners encounters them, that bond is stronger. It usually leads to pretty unhappy relationships, if not resisted vehemently.

But it just might work. A lot of couples live their entire lives without encountering their true mates. 

Since I don’t have my dose of wolfsbane, my senses are more active than they should be. Not a mile later, I take in the shuffle of feet. My muscles tense, my body already preparing itself for action.

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