33. When I open my eyes

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Hello my lovely readers! This chapter, it's just beautiful, y'know? Hope u like it.

33. When I open my eyes

I’m awake but I cant open my eyes.

Its like they’ve been weighted down by a ton of sand, my insides are freezing and no matter how hard I clutch the blanket to myself, I’m still cold.

Finally, I manage to peel my eyes open. I’m aware of the tremble in my limbs as I push myself up. My tired eyes look around, searching for a specific block of granite when I see him walking towards the campsite.

“Morning,” I mumble, rubbing my eyes in hopes of being less tired “Where were you?”

“I went ahead to see if there’s any other surprise for us,” Luke says, eyeing me warily

I nod and do my best imitation of my usual self by quickly folding up the blanket and stuffing it in the bag.

I don’t want him to think I’m so shaken by that little episode last night.

My eyes flicker to Luke as I recall the events of yesterday.

Luke Winters comforted me. 

And I let him.

I shake my throbbing head. Goddess, why did I have to do that? He’s probably thinking I’m some emotional idiot. But in my defense, I didn’t expect him to actually be paying attention to my mood! He should’ve just let me be!

But you cant deny he made you feel better.

Darn my inner voice! And darn my heart for beating so fast!

Luke busies himself with the map while I quickly put my hair in a braid. My head sways, my vision lurches and here’s a horrible throbbing in my head. I check my bandaged wounds but they don’t hurt.

Except the one of my shoulder which is radiating pain. Moon, its unbearable.

“So, did you find anything?” I stand up, hoping Luke doesn’t notice that I’m leaning against the tree

“No, the coast is clear.” He says coolly, his eyes flicker to me as he folds up the map “We should get going.”

My legs almost give up by just the mention of walking, but I nod. I can do this, a little weakness is nothing.

I pick up the bag and hand it to Luke. He’s staring at me skeptically, his stormy eyes threatening to cut through me.

“What?” I roll my eyes

“Why wont you just admit it?” his eyes narrow a fraction

My heart skips a beat. Did he...? Is it that obvious? No. No, I’m fine!

“Admit that you’re annoying as hell?” I put a hand on my hip “Fine, you are.”

I walk past him but only a step further, I feel his hand close around my upper arm and pull me back. A hiss slips past my lips.

Luke’s hand drops from my arm instantly. His eyes flicker from my arm to my probably pained expression and the next moment, he’s pushed the sleeve of my shirt to my shoulder, inspecting the skin as if he expects to see what damage he’s caused.

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