44. Bullet through my head

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Hey guys! As the story is rapidly ending, I'd like to ask you guys a favor.

Do you know anyone who has a book like 'Completed werewolf books'? Or anyone who would be interested in this book?
I'm in love with the progress so far, but I've put so much thought and effort in this book, I want it to reach far and wide.

Will u help?

44. Bullet through my head

The next week is a blurr.

True to his promise, Luke didn't show a hint of his emotions after that night. For that matter, neither did I. We both acted the way we should; like partners.

And the fact that we're close to the finish line only fuels our will to keep focused.

We hadn't really slept since the past week, only dozed off occasionally. Which is precisely why I wake up in the noon to the sound of a growl.

My eyes snap open, hands already fumbling to get the revolver out of the waistband of my jeans. There's only one bullet left, is my only thought as I spring to my feet.

My eyes dart in every direction, but I see nothing that could be a threat. Then it dawns to me;

Where did Luke go?

Tucking the revolver away, I start forward, a frown on my face. Where the hell is he?

Only a short distance away, I see him pacing around, his head in his hands. Another low growl reaches me.

"Luke?" a hint of worry leaks in my voice

His heads snaps in my direction so quickly I almost flinch. His eyes are dark, near black.

"When did you wake up?" he asks, his voice a little rough around the edges

"Just now." I say, walking over to him "Are you alright?"

"Fine." He moves away just as I approach him, but the tension in his frame doesn't go unnoticed by me

I narrow my eyes at him back. I know full moon is in one week, he must be having trouble controlling his wolf. Why wont he tell me? its not like I don't know about it already!

"Are you sure?" I ask him as he walk back to where I came from

"Yes." He doesn't even look at me

Luke walks ahead and I throw my hands up in frustration. Alphas! They are impossible!

I open my mouth to bug him again but then stop myself. Its none of your business, I tell myself firmly. You're not supposed to worry about him.

But I cant stop myself from glancing at him every now and then. Though Luke keeps always fast pace, I've never seen him break a sweat.

So I guess it's a bit concerning to see a sheen of sweat cover his brow, his whole body taut like a spring under tension.

"How long until we reach the finish line?" I ask him after a few hours

"I'm not sure," Luke says "The recreated map isn't very accurate, but I guess we should reach it in about five days, give or take a few."

I nod, feeling a thrill of adrenaline go through me.

"If we don't have to change course-

Luke cuts himself off with a low growl. His hand reaches up, fisting his hair.

"Luke!" Without thinking my hands reach out to do, well, I don't know what, but something!

"No, Don't!" Luke stumbles back, dark eyes wide in alarm

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