35. Not like others

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Sup my amazing readers!

Sorry I couldn't upload on time, there was a teeny weeny problem 😅 Anyways, to make up for it, in gonna upload the next chapter today as well.


35. Not like others

“I’m fine, really.” Ethan says

He’s lying on the sofa, arm wrapped in a bandage and changed out of the blood drenched clothes into loose, frilly dress shirt and trousers.

The worst of his injuries have already been treated by a witch who’s staying here on the Alpha’s Supreme’s instructions.

“For the last time,” I give him a look “How did this happen?”

Ethan drags a hand down his face “Another team tried to ambush us.”

I nod, feeling absurd that I’m not surprised. Well, what can I say? Anything is possible in this bloody game.

“We barely overpowered them,” Tyler shakes his head

“Reaching the check point must’ve been perfect timing then,” Luke eyes Ethan’s bandaged arm

Ethan huffs out a laugh, either ignoring Luke’s ruthless gaze or not caring about it “A miracle, really.”

“Not so much when you have to dress like a lunatic.” Tyler tugs at his clothes moodily

My eyes stay on Ethan, worry tugs at my heart. He’s always been so good to me, I cant help but feel my heart soften for him.

Unthinking, I gently put my hand on his arm “Does it still hurt?”

Ethan’s eyes slide to mine, he smiles his usual polite smile “You offend me. I’m an Alpha, Elise. I can handle a little pain.”

He stole my line. I smile.

“Alright then,” I stand up and fix my clothes “Time for me to explore this place. See you later?”

“I look forward to it,” Ethan nods

Something warm closes around my hand, causing tingles to spread over my skin. My head snaps to Luke as he puts my hand in the crook of his arm.

“I’m coming with you,” he says

I try to stop my heart from beating so fast. It doesn’t slow down, the darn thing!

“Okay,” I say, breathless for some reason

What the hell, Elise?! Get a grip! There must be a reason behind this, something related to the Hunt. Maybe Luke wants to see if its safe?

Luke guides me out of the sitting room and through the wide hallways, the high walls adorned with portraits and coats of arms.

“Where are we going?” I ask “And how do you even know where to go?”

“While you were busy dressing up, I took a round of this tower.” Luke says as we go down the stairs “It’s secure for the time being, at least.”

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