11. I'm a dead girl anyways

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Hello people! Sorry for the late chapter, my wattpad wasn't working but I hope you like it!

11. I'm a dead girl anyways

Everyone just stares at me in pin drop silence.

"This is bad!" My good angle whispers frantically

"Oh no, this is going to be fun." My bad angle chuckles sinisterly

I take a long swing of the champagne and then put the bottle on the table.

"Alright," my voice slurrs a bit "What the hell is happening?"

Finally, Alpha Jax steps forward. His hands are closed into tight fists and his face is tomato red, two horns sprout from his head. I knew he was satan.

"What are you doing here?" He strides towards me like a mad bull "Omegas weren't allowed!"

The word 'Omega' floats out of his mouth and towards the crowd, whispers and gasps follow.

"Don't worry, I'm going." I wave dismissively "It was a waste of my time anyways."

"Is that... Oh my moon, that's my dress!" Darcie says, eyes narrowed

"You stupid, stupid girl." Luna Fay glares at me "You should've never come here!"

The three of them start advancing towards me, I hold up my hands and step back.

"Hey, I told you I'm goin'," I say "Why worry so much?"

"You little─

Alpha Jax raises his hand, fingers turned into claws and both my angles put their hands on their eyes while I stare wide eyed as his hand moves towards me and stops, only inches away.

"Father," Luke hisses quietly as he puts Alpha's hand down from the wrist "Don't be ridiculous, she's my partner!"

"She's an omega!" Alpha Jax yanks his hand away "she will only slow you down and she broke the pack rules, she disobeyed her Alpha and Luna!"

"Alpha Jax," Ethan comes out of the crowd "I think you are aware that Luke wouldn't be allowed to participate without his partner."

Alpha Jax pinches the bridge of his nose and snorts in disbelief, fire comes out of his nostrils.

I wonder if it would have burnt his mustache if he had one...

"Guards!" He barks and two pack Warriors come hurrying towards him

Carlos is at my side in an instant, his angle wings flutter behind his back. Wait... Can werewolves have angle wings and a wolf?

"Take her away until we solve this matter!" Alpha Jax hisses to a pack warrior

"Hey! Don't you bloody dare!' I say as the man tries to grab my arm "if this is about me than I ought to stay!"

"Elise," Carlos whispers in my ear pleadingly "come on, please."

"I want to make myself clear," I raise a hand and sway on my feet "I don't want to be your partner!"

Luke stares at me with dark blue storms in his eyes, he crosses his arms and looks down at me with a stern expression.

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