Mafia Introduction

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In a world there are gangs and mafias. Killing people for no reasons, and doing drugs, and taking people money and homes. But would anyone suspect a Mafia filled with teenagers. Hi I'm Soul Kiss and I'm one of high rated killers in my mafia along with two of my friends.

Hailey Quinn, if you can tell by her name she is obsessed with the DC villain Harley Quinn. She dresses different then Harley she only wears the color pink and black. But if you ask me her killing name should have been Barbie doll. Her killing style involves a bat, gun, and a taser.

Rin Otakuc, for the anime fans out there should know. Rin dresses up as different anime characters for his mission. He has been watching anime since he was six and wanted to be like them now. As for me I have a different way of killing. When you die I leave a kiss mark at the scene of the crime. I use special glitter lipstick so the police can never find my DNA.

You probably think our leader is a teenager like us to but your wrong.

Our leader is a thirty year old man Biggs. He was a member of an adult Mafia but got kicked of his old group because they said he couldn't handle it. That's why he created his own with us teenagers. But my life wasn't always like this I was just a normal shy girl but under all that i was a total diva. Until one day I had the opportunity of being apart of Biggs Mafia. That's when I came up with the personality and Name: Soul Kiss. I made my own file of my name and my style and now I'm a high rated assassin with the other two high members. Its not really hard being a killer its hard to be a killer and change personality when your at home and school to protect you identity.

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