Ch. 4 Tipsy Terminator

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The kids are back from there kill mission and one of the members had something on them.

"Doing this job never gets old" said Flame.

"Its an easy job and we all get paid the same amount and a great amount" said Tico.

"Worst part about this job is blood gets everywhere and its stains" said Mikey.

"Just use peroxide then wash it the stain will come right out" said Tico.

"How do you know peroxide will get rid of the stain" asked Mikey.

"Well duh because she's girl and we go through problems that can be embarrassing. So we need life hacks that can work" said Kiss.

"The thing I like about this job is that I'm an undercover criminal which means I can steal stuff even underage stuff" said Flame.

He pulls out a bag containing drugs. "You can't do drugs its bad for you and you can die" said Poppy. "How can I die for popping a few pills and smoking" Flame asked. "Well one heroin is addictive and you can die like that, it can all make you kill yourself and possibly kill others. Oh and if vape or smoke you are most likely to get cancer. You will be like those people on commercials looking disfigure and putting your finger in your throat so you can talk" said Tico.

"Its just a plant its just grows okay. Its just happens if you set it on fire there are some side effects. Plus i've been wanted to smoke and we need to get high just for once".

All the kids stopped in ally and were all getting high. "This was an awesome idea you girls are missing out" said Rin. "Drugs are bad and I will not harm my body" said Poppy. "I got drinks if that better" said Flame. "Now your speaking my language" said Hailey. All the girls took the drinks and started to get tipsy but Poppy still refused. Until Mikey talked her into just taking one sip. After thirty minutes everyone was feeling drunk they started walking until they found a psycho asylum. They walked into the place and where looking around.

Real question what do think happens to assassins when they get high and out of control. They saw patient needed help then they decided to torture the doctor. So they barged in and took the needle from his hand and stabbed him with it. He woke and saw four psycho looking strangers looking at him.

"Who are you why am I tied up" he asked.

"You know you doctors are more crazy then the patients in here" said Rin.

"That's why we are gonna show you what its like to be torture" said Flame.

The kids had the doctor in a electric chair then Mikey pressed the button. He screamed so loud people in heaven can hear him. "I love hearing you scream in pain" said Sniper. Mikey clicked the button again and he screamed louder. "Doesn't feel good now does it" said Flame. "Let go now I'll have you arrested" he said. "No one knows who we are even the police" said Sniper whispered.

He pulled out his gun and shot his knees.

"Ahh you little bastards" he said.

"You want him to shoot the other one. Sniper I think he wants you to shoot his other knee" said Rin. Sniper shot his other knee the dude stuck the middle finger at the kids. "Guess what that will be the last time you will do that" said Mikey. Flame picked up his flame thrower burn his hand. While burning his hand he started laughing as the dude was screaming. Mikey hit the button for the chair then used tape so the button can stay down. They all watched as he was being electrocuted. "This is not enough pain for me" said Mikey. He took his knife and stabbed him in his hand multiple times. Then Rin took out his sword then stabbed the man in the chest. They watched as the man bleed out then they left the room.

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