Ch. 7 Play The Cards Right

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Aliyah was in class doing work when she was really drawing people dying. That's when the bell ring before she could leave the teacher calls her. "Hey Aliyah come here real quick" said her teacher. She walked over and said "whats up". "Well you haven't been doing good in my class you have a D- in my class" he said. Aliyah looked frustrated then she already was.

"I'll tell you what we have exams soon if you can get a good grade you will have a passing C is that a deal" he said.

She respond saying "sure", her teacher said he is gonna find a tutor for her. She left to go to work she walked into the locker room and sat down at a bench. Her friends started looking at her, "Kiss you know your in the wrong room right" said Poppy.

"I'm a little worried right now with school and everything" she said.

"I understand plus half the stuff we learn we are not gonna use" said Flame. "I just need to pass one of my classes and I have to get a tutor" she said. "Its okay Soul Kiss killing someone will probably make you feel better" said Mikey. "It sometimes doesn't but it helps take my mind off of it" she said.

Moments later Biggs gave the kids their assignments. "Spades you will have Soul Kiss company you on your mission" he said. "That's very exciting I'm happy for this Kiss" she said. Kiss followed Spades to her car and was completely shocked.

"You have a limo and personal driver. That is unfair the rest of us have to drive ourselves" she said.

They get inside and Kiss is even more shocked. "Are you kidding me you have snacks, drinks, and a TV in, there's even free wifi in here" she said.

"Biggs did ask us what vehicle we wanted so I choose a limo" she said.

"Why you have wine glasses in here do you drink" Kiss asked. "Nope I have juice and soda. It makes me feel so elegant and like a queen" she said. They were driving to an Alley because that's where the leader was. "Kiss you go around and get rid of the other people for me" she said. Soul Kiss said yes and she circle the whole building. The building look broke down but people made it into something. It reminded her of their headquarters. She walked slowly and quietly as she goes upstairs. She heard voices around the corner so she peeped to see. She saw two guys talking so she immediately shot them. She walked up to them very carefully and quietly. She checked their pockets for money and other stuff. "You are this broke with these two pathetic ones . Ooo you have a platinum card its mine now". She got up and continued to scope the place out there wasn't anyone left so she walked outside to meet Spades. When she walked out she saw Spades on her knees on the ground with a gun to her head.

"Hey drop your weapon" she said pointing a gun at him. She feels someone touches the back of her head. "I think you should drop your weapon" said someone behind her. There was two of them that had her at gun point. "Do you think we can make a deal" said Spades. The guy shouted no then a quick blade cut one of the boys neck who was pointing a gun at Soul Kiss. He laid there bleeding from his neck and mouth. "Now that I have your attention wanna make that deal. How about we gamble our lives, if I win I get to shoot you if you win you get to shoot me and my partner" she said. "Fine but we are using my gun so don't try and tricks" he said. They were gonna play three games of Uno. The guys friend dealed out the cards and both of them played very smart. Soul Kiss watched as Spades play she hopes she plays smart because if not they're both gonna die. Because its not one of Spades trick guns. The first win goes to Spades and Kiss is very excited about that. They play again as Soul Kiss gets very nervous because Spades started playing very badly. "Spades what are you doing you could of played those cards and got a Uno". "No helping she is playing not you" he said. They guys shouted Uno and made her draw four cards. So then Spades lost it was the final round and Spades played poorly again but even worse. "Spades please be smart about this or we're both gonna die because my gun is empty" she said. "Its fine Kiss don't worry or keep worrying it makes it thrilling" she said. Kiss is wondering why is Spades doing this unless she has a strategy like she always do. After Soul Kiss got happy because she started to play good. But then the guy put down his last card while spade had one card left.

He felt happy that he won and then both laughed in there faces. He picked up the gun and pointed it at Spades. As she didn't seem bother once he pulled the trigger he got shot. His partner watched as he laid dead on the ground, he pointed the gun at Spades then he died with a dart to his neck.

"Wait let me process that for a moment. What Spades you played poorly on purpose you knew he was gonna die. I was over here scared".

Spades begin to laugh "of course you panicking made the game fun to see that look on his face of surprise was amazing and stimulating for me" she said.

Kiss is still confused so Spades explain. "While you were inside I was fighting them outside and I dropped my trick gun. So when he had it in his hand he could choose it for this gamble. Good thing you came at the right time which was even better. So my plan worked out great".

Spades check their pockets for any money. "I swear Spades out of all of us you scare me the most" she said. She started giggling "come on the limo is across the street". They both went back to the building. They walked into the top room and didn't see anyone. "Where is everyone are they not back yet" said Kiss. "Let's just hope they didn't die shall we" said Spades.

They both heard some noise coming from the chill room and found them watching a sad movie. All of them were crying and passing tissues. "Are you guys okay this movie isn't really all that. I watched this she doesn't die like we wanted to" she said. Then everyone got angry and threw the tissue at the TV.

"Oh come on you spoiler, you just ruined it" said Rin.

"Like seriously we want her die and you had to do that" said Mikey.

"Okay I'm sorry but I just saved your lives there" she said.

The kids walked back to the top locker room. "So what took you guys so long we waited for you but you never came back" said Poppy. "Uh we were gambling our lives in Uno. She nearly scared me because I thought I was gonna die but I'm still living" she said.

"You blame me the fear on their face was priceless. And I enjoyed a good game thanks to her fear" she said.

"I bet when you get hungry you feed off people fear" said Flame.

Spades walks up to close to him and says "fear on people faces makes me horny"

"I can help fix that" he said. "Please do not do this in this room wait until valentines" said Sniper. Bunny came in the room and said "hey kids Biggs want you kids to come get your paychecks and leave". "I thought we get paid yesterday" said Tico. "Biggs is giving it to you so you leave faster" he said. The kids went to go get there money and left.

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