Ch. 9 Let There Be Fire

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Aliyah was in here room having a crisis because she couldn't find her pants she wears. She looked everywhere for them and finds a note from her mom: picked up some clothes from your room to go wash. So she had to improvise and when she was done she headed on her bike to work. She parked her bicycle behind the building. As she got access to go in she went to the bathroom and was in extreme panic mode. But she got ready anyway. She had a different wig it was a straight ponytail. So she spent some time in the bathroom perfecting the ponytail. She wore a black long sleeve crop with a white skirt that had a black stripe at the bottom.

She walks upstairs and sits down and buried her face in her palm. "Kiss are you okay or are you someone else" said Mikey. "I'm having a major crisis look at me" she said standing up. All the boys are looking at her and wondering what's wrong. "Turn sideways" said Flame, "now the other way. Now turn your back towards us and touch your toes". "Beat it pervert" she shouted. "I don't see anything wrong with what your wearing" said Sniper. "I'm wearing a skirt I can't do anything in this like run and fighting" she said. "Then why do you own one sexy" said Flame. "Because I watch anime OK". The rest of the crew came upstairs and were listening to Soul Kiss crisis. "I don't wanna wear this for that reason and I don't wanna steal anyone style" she said. "Style?" said Poppy. "Yes Spades is known from wearing a skirt, Hailey wears shorts that are too short,Tico wears and black and white fitting pants, and poppy wears both shorts and skirts. I'm the girl who wears baggy pants". "What happened to pants you always wear" asked Hailey. "My mom went through my stuff and took my clothes. So now I'm stuck with wearing a skirt I feel so naked" she said. "Here I have some black stockings you can wear or long thigh socks" said Spades. Kiss agreed to take the socks but she is still upset about the skirt

Biggs calls the kids to office, "hey kids so today I have duo/solo assignments and they are very exciting" he said. "Hey Biggs did you finish that video you wanted to make with our photos" asked Poppy. "Um not yet its taking awhile to edit but I'll be done soon. Okay Mikey and Poppy you too are together, Spades and Tico your solo, Sniper and Hailey you are together, Rin you are solo, and Kiss and Flame are together" he said. "Great you put me with another psycho and perv" said Kiss. "What is you talking about girl" said Biggs. "Flame and Spades are the two psychos on this team" she said. Flame puts his hand over Kiss and says "I'm happy I'm paired with the second baddest girl on this team" he said. "Second who's the first one" asked Rin. "Well we all know Spades is first, then Kiss, Hailey,Tico, then Poppy" he said. "Yay wait why am I last" she asked. "Because I said bad not adorable". "Okay kids I wanna torture y'all. Over there are the folders but there are no names on them so choose wisely" he said laughing. The kids got worried and didn't want to choose wrong. The kids grabs the folder and head down downstairs into the underground storage room. Which is filled with weapons and their vehicles. "So how do you want us to get to our destination" asked Kiss. "We are gonna ride Phoenix" he said. Kiss is confused and asks "who is Phoenix". When they walk further she sees a custom made fire motorcycle. "This is my baby Phoenix". "You named your motorcycle Phoenix that's the saddest thing I ever heard".

He gets on and puts on his helmet and gives one to Kiss as she gets on. "Hold on tight to me"he said. He revives up the engine and they are on there way. They make their way to a apartment complex. He parks outside the place. He gets off as Kiss takes off her helmet. "Come here I'll help you off" he said. He picks her up and helps her to the ground. "Are you sure he wants us to kill someone in a public place" she asked. "I mean you picked up the file so you made us kill someone in a public place" he responds. "Ugh come on let's do this". They walked up the stairs looking for his house number. "Do you know which building he is in" she asked. "Uh no it doesn't say his door number. Also Biggs left a note saying I forgot to put the door number on it". "Great now who do we find this guy" she said. Flame shrugs his shoulders until he finds the answer to there problems. "Hey look that's the landlord place we could use the computer and find what door number". They run to the office and Flame bussed the door down. Kiss is surprised that he is that strong. "Cover for me while I check the computer" he said. He scrolls through the computer as Kiss looks out the window. "Hey can you give me the name of the person on the file". She tells him the name and he looks for the room number. He writes it down and they get moving they find his door and Flame was gonna bust it in. "No stop what is wrong with you. Your gonna make too much noise and the cops will be outside move". She pulled out a bobbi pin from her hair and put it in the lock. She wiggling it around until the door opened. They walk inside and see a very decent house. They look around to see if your he's home. "Aw he has a family that's so sad he won't be able to see his son grow up" she said. "So what that's his fault he shouldn't of been such a cunt" said Flame. She found some papers on the counter and started looking through them. "Flame come look at this, these are different people bank accounts" she said. "He is probably stealing money or something. I know this is a federal act" he said. "Great one bullet is all it takes and we are done". "Uh no boring we don't do quick kills or just killing with a gun".

"What is wrong with you Flame like seriously" she said. "Why are you acting so surprise you've known me for like two years". All of the sudden their target walks in and looks at them. Kiss pulls out her gun and points it at him and says "don't move". He drops everything and runs and they chase after him. "Hey no running in the halls get back here" said Flame. They chased him around complex until flame took alternative route and Kiss was far behind him. That's when he got hit in the midsection with a pole and Flame came from around the corner. "Hey Elliott why did you run because you made yourself to obvious. If you ran when a child points a gun at you your doing an illegal act okay that was a stupid move". "Where did you just come from and where did you get that pole" she said. "Doesn't matter now I get to torture you this will be fun". Elliott picks up the pole and hit Flame in the face with it. So Soul Kiss had to fight him and she was losing. He grabs her and starts choking her against the wall. When Flame got up here shot him with a fireball in the face. He let's go of her and falls to the ground. He tries to leave but Flame took his flame thrower and burned his whole body and then he ran and they ran after them. He ran out the building into the street. Before Soul Kiss can shot him to confirm his death he got ran over by a truck and they were stunned. "Well I guess that take cares of that" she said. "Kiss let's go get Phoenix and get out of here before we go to jail" he said. They rushed to his motorcycle and got out of there. Once they were far away they stopped at a pharmacy and Flame was helping Kiss. "Flame I'm fine you don't have to do this" she said. "Yes I do he choked you pretty hard and you do have a bruise. I'm just trying to be a good friend and help Kiss. Want me to kiss your neck and make it better". "I don't want you kissing my neck. It can heal without your help and your not my boyfriend" she replied. They head back to the building and everyone was there. "Hey guys what took so long" asked Hailey. "We did alot of chasing and Kiss got hurt so I took her to a pharmacy" he said. "Aw Flame that's so sweet" said Poppy. The kids heard Biggs shouted their name and they all walked upstairs. Once they walked in he turns on the news they know its something bad. "Today Elliott Patterson was found on fire and ran over by a truck" said the news. He turns off the TV and says " Kiss and Flame what happened I love to see these on the news but why is this man partially alive" he asked. "Biggs you know I can never tell a lie. Kiss you wanna tell Biggs what happened because I can't" said Flame. "Elliott choked me right after he hit Flame in the face with a pole. Flame picks up his flame thrower and burns his whole body. But I don't know how he moves so fast on fire. I tried to kill him with my gun but I couldn't get clear shot, he ran into the street,then he got him by a truck" she said. "OK I'm not upset the thing I was unhappy about is that your on the cameras in the apartment place". "I did not see any cameras in that place" said Flame. "Its fine the video didn't get your face or the license plate so please be careful" he said. He told the kids they can leave and go home.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 14 ⏰

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