Ch. 8 We Are The BOMB

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Soul Kiss arrives in her room and says hi to her friends. "Hey guys sorry I'm late I saw some kids from school. So I had to wait until I could walk here" she said. "That's fine Biggs isn't here he said he has a surprise for us" said Rin. "He always has surprises for us I hope this is better then the last one" she said. "He apologize for that last trip we went on, the only best thing was the geyser" said Mikey. "He also told us to look our best so that's why I wore a skirt today" said Poppy. Kiss went into her bag and pulled out a caramel Starbucks drink.

"Hopefully this energize me I am way tired" she said.

"Don't drink that here drink this. Its an energy drink I promise I didn't put anything inside" said Flame.

"Since when you drink bang energy drinks" said Tico.

"All the time why do you think I get so fired every time I wanna burn someone" he said.

Kiss said "this is pretty good",Hailey takes the drink from her and looks at the flavor. "Out of all the flavors you choose the one that said Rainbow Unicorn". He snatches the can from her and says "leave me alone".

G comes in the room "hey guys Biggs is ready for y'all". The kids walk into his office and Biggs is looking very happy. "So kids quick question do you wanna look like this" he said. He turns his tablet to show them an awesome photoshoot picture of him. "I don't think any of us want to look fat and bald" said Rin. The kids started Laughing, "I see you got jokes. I'm talking about this photoshoot picture would you guys like do something like this" he said. All the kids nods their heads because this was a dope thing they wanted to do. "Great today you guys will be doing a photoshoot of your image" he said.

The kids were confused, "you know image Kiss you come in everyday looking fabulous and wearing the glitter lips that's your image". Then all the kids started to understand and Biggs told them their gonna do a photoshoot. So Biggs took the kids to a building that didn't look much on the outside but the inside was magical.

"Wow I feel like I'm in heaven" said Mikey.

"Welcome kids I was able to help them hook y'all up" he said.

"Question what's the catch there always a catch" said Tico.

"Well I'm doing a video for my Mafia so you guys are do a photoshoot. Take as many pictures as you need" he said. "OK Poppy since your my favorite you go first" he said. The kids are looking at him blinking their eyes. He doesn't think what he said was wrong but the kids took that to heart. Poppy had a fake grass setting with a blue background with fake clouds which was just cotton. "Wow I love it you forgot flowers though but I still like it".

"Great have fun kids when your done let me know. I'm gonna go check out the buffet bye kids" he said. Poppy got on and started having fun with the photos. From looking at flowers,to posing with a easter basket, and posing with carrots. "Yes honey work it work it. Add some more light there" shouted the camera man. Poppy was done and the camera man choose Flame to go next.

"Wow I like my setting this is nice" he said. Flame posed like he was modeling for vogue magazine. "Ooo yes a little to left yes. GET SOME WIND IN THERE. My boy is working OK now add some explosions in the back and some fire" he said.

For the last shot Flame grabbed his flame thrower and started blasting fire everywhere. "Ah yes you people amaze me. Let's go to the creepy setting" said camera man. They went to Tico black and white clown setting. Tico grab one of the black balloons and sat on the ground. "Yes look at the balloon. Looking fierce come on give me some more. GIVE HER A KNIFE" he shouted.

"If he acts like this during my shoot I'm gonna kill him" said Rin.

Biggs walked over to see Tico. "She looks more creepy then she do" he said. Next they walked to a poker throne room. "May the queen step on her throne so we can get started" He said. "Wait why does she get a throne" asks Mikey. "Because I said this was about image and this is her image" he said. Spades sits on her throne looking like a boss. "Yes honey you are a boss and queen. Give her a seriously give her a crown people" he said. She does give different poses on the throne. She goes to the poker table and do posing with poker chips and cards.

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