Ch. 2 Kiss of Death

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Aliyah was getting ready for work. When her parents approached her. "Hey Aliyah when you get paid because we need help with the light bill" said her dad. "I get paid today dad I gotta get going before I'm late" she said. "Try and hurry home were having steak and potatoes" her dad said. She rushed to get to the building she did stop at the store. To get some chips and drink before she goes. When she was looking around she saw another kid in a hoodie looking at stuff. She was wondering if that person was stealing or was it a member of the Mafia she was in. She tried not to make contact with that person. Got her stuff and left as fast as she could.

She went into the bathroom and came out wearing what she wore yesterday but this time she wore a red turtleneck. She was walking up the stairs when was passing the the B Team Locker Room where she almost got hit with a dagger.

"MIKEY" she shouted.

He responded "I'm sorry" as he ran to get his dagger.

Mikey is short for Michaelangelo. Just like Rin he watched ninja turtles his whole life and he loves the orange turtle Mikey. He acts like Mikey too he's clumsy, nice, and serious about his work. He has orange paint over his eyes so it looks like a mask.

"I'm sorry Kiss. How did you know it was it me" he said.

"There is orange tape wrapped around this dagger. Plus no one is as clumsy as you here" she said.

"I was practicing my throwing and I didn't hear anyone come up the stairs". Soul Kiss made her way up to the A Team Locker Room. "Hey guys be careful downstairs Mikey almost hit me with a knife".

"I like him. He makes me laugh. You should see him kill people on accident its horrible but exciting" said Tico.

"Hey Spades are we still on for that game" Kiss asked.

"Of course playing with you is very interesting" said Spades.

Spades is a gambler killer. She has custom cards and chips that can kill you. She has two spades she draws on her cheeks. She makes you gamble your life instead of money. If you lost against her she gets to kill you. If you win you get to kill her but the gun you have in your hand is a trick gun. So no matter what you will always die. Her persona is based on a anime called kakegurui. Spades leaves behind a spade Ace on your wounds.

"Spade I hope you know I have been begging to kill with you. I have to see how you play girl" she said.

"Hey guys psycho cutie Hailey Quinn has entered the room" she said.

"Psycho yes Cutie No" said Shadow Sniper while him and Rin were laughing.

"Whatever I know I'm baddest thing in this room" she said.

After while the kids went upstairs to receive their assignments. Everyone had solo assignments and Soul Kiss had to kill a business man who doing something wrong. She took her Kiss Scooter to his office. She had an plan to use the element of surprise.

Since the kids are secret assassins how this works. People type in a secret code and who they want to die. That message gets to Biggs and he picks who gets to do what.

She makes it to the building and tries to be stealthy. She used a gun that is quiet when she shoots it she calls it "silencer". She spots the business man in the lounge so she heads up to his office to set up a trap. He walks up to his office and sees a kiss mark on the wall. He is kinda confused until Soul Kiss turns around in his desk.

"Hello john you are very trifling. You left your wife and the cause of one of your kids death. So you know the price is treason" she said.

"This is a joke right really what are you gonna do,"he said.

She picked her gun and said say hi to satan for me then she shot him in the head. Then she got caught by some of the workers. She ran for her life and dodging the bullets. She found an emergency exit and ran down the stairs. She then puts a hidden device in the staircase. When she made it outside she hit the button and part of the building exploded.

"That's what i call the Kiss of Death" she said.

She turns around and there are three people in suits pointing guns at her. They yelled "drop your weapons", she wasn't gonna do it but they got shot. She looked up and Shadow Sniper was there.

"Thank you Sniper" she said, he gave an okay hand signal and ran off the roof. Every Assassin has a cover shooter, and Shadow Sniper happens to be covering for Soul Kiss. He is also her getaway driver. She puts her Scooter in a pickup truck. She gets in the driver seat and Sniper gets in the passenger side. "I had that kill I wanted to test out my glitter bomb. But thank you for the help" she said. He looks behind him and says "uh Kiss I think we got some company and they are on motorcycles" he said. "Good shoot this glitter I have a plan" she said.

Once they were on a clear pathway Sniper shot the bag and blue glitter filled the air. They couldn't see before they knew it each of them were dying in their cars then they fell off a cliff. Both of them watch as they fell, "would you like to do the honors". She handed Sniper a button he pressed then all the cars exploded.

"That is the most coolest thing I ever seen" he said.

They both headed back and just in time for Soul Kiss and Spades gamble. "Go ahead Kiss its your turn"she said. She put down her cards and said "three of a kind. I think I might win go ahead Spades" she said sounding confident. She showed Soul Kiss her cards, "its a royal flush I win". Spades grabs her chips then grabs the gun. She pulls back the safer everyone in the room gets concern.

"Don't worry guys its empty go ahead". But the gun wasn't empty she shot something at her head and Soul Kiss fell.

"Ow what was hurts so much" she said.

"Did you actually just shoot her in the head" asked Mikey.

"No calm down this one of my trick guns its filled with a paint ball. She is fine but it will hurt for awhile since it was her forehead".

She said in a calm soft voice. "It still hurts remind me to never go paint ball fighting with you" she said. G came inside the room and told the kids its time to get paid so all the kids walked up to Biggs office. They grabbed an envelope with their names on it. They did the last routine and went to wipe off the makeup or paint off their face and walk out covering their faces.

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