Begin the preparations

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Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or anything related to it except for my OC and unrelated plots in this. I also do not own any pictures.


Heaving blood over the railings, Shiki continued to empty out blood into the sea, watching as it blended with it in a murky colour. The early morning breeze caress her sweaty face as she heavily panted, faint bags under her eyes from the lack of sleep.

She couldn't risk Law to find out, or even Bepo-especially the talking bear with the nose.

She never knew that she would be distancing herself from them.

Too bad... She enjoyed sleeping on them.

Wiping the reminder of the blood off her lips with the sleeve of her coat, Shiki shakily stepped back with sluggish movements until her back touched the yellow metal walls on deck, leaning against it.

While she waited, she closed her eyes as the morning events surfaced back up.

As she sat besides Reika, Leo had came in with Captain and coaxed her to getting fresh air and the newspaper while she was up there. While Captain would look after Reika, he would later bring them their breakfast.

Hearing flapping sounds from the distance, Shiki opened her eyes and saw a seagull, wearing a paper boy hat and a messenger bag.

The News Coo glided straight for his potential customer, fluttering to a slow as he landed on the railings, expecting.

With breathing slightly better, Shiki slowly made her way to the bird, petting his head, which earn a happy approval from it, before digging out some coins from her pocket.

Exchanging it for the furrowed newspaper in its feathered wing, the News Coo threw off once his job was done.

She waited on the deck until her breathing was normal before heading back inside.


On her way to the gallery to drop off the newspaper, she spotted Law about to head into the gallery.

Also noticing her, Law looked over her head at the direction she came from before looking back down to her.

"What were you doing?" he questioned.

She wordlessly handed him the newspaper and walked passed him.

Law frowned, staring at the rolled up newspaper in his hand and tilted his head over his shoulder with narrowed eyes, "Shiki-ya." he uses a commanding tone, making Shiki to momentarily stop, "Breakfast will be served soon." he stated, watching carefully for her response.

Back facing him, her head shifted a bit, yet she did not look a him, "Leo is going to bring me breakfast in the infirmary." she responded. She moved her right hand to her front, clutching it as if in pain, "Is that all?" she asked with a lowered voice.

Staring for a bit more at her tense position with his steel gaze and a frown, Law closed his eyes and looked away, "When I'm done eating, I'll go check up on your friend." he said, before entering the gallery.

Beginning to run short of breath, Shiki quickly headed to the infirmary for some privacy.


"Morning, Captain. Coffee?" Ren greeted with a smile, already pouring a cup of coffee and handing it over through the kitchen open window.

Law accepted it with a nod ad settled in his seat, unrolling the newspaper out as well as taking out the pile of wanted posters from within, placing them on the table.

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