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Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or anything related to it except for my OC and unrelated plots in this. I also do not own any pictures.


It was raining hard by now, almost everyone had returned to the ship, soaking wet.

Ren was lucky enough to returned to the ship when it was only a light drizzle and blinked when he saw drenched Kyle come into the gallery with a crate of ingredients, no Shiki behind him.

"Oi, Kyle, where's Shiki?" the cook asked as he took the supplies from Kyle and headed into the kitchen.

Kyle made himself comfortable on the kitchen's entrance frame with crossed arms, "Knowing her type, she'll be back soon." he grumbled, "A traitor." the thought flash through his mind. He knew that the woman wouldn't stay out in this ridiculous rain, knew that she wouldn't follow through with his simple order. So he was waiting for the woman to just come waltzing in, disobeying an order like a disloyal subordinate, proving his theory.

She used to be a marine and then betrayed them, what's there to stop her from betraying them?

Ren paused from storing the spices in a cupboard, glancing at the sour-looking man with a skeptical stare. "What do you mean 'type'?" his blue glacial eyes narrowed at him out of suspicion, Kyle... Is there something you're not telling me?"

Kyle pushed off the frame with an irritated sigh, ruffling his grey hair under his bandanna, "The woman will be back. Alright?" annoyance oozing from his gruff tone. He turned his back on Ren and walked out of the room.

Ren let a frown appear on his delicate face, quickly finishing putting the supplies away, he went to go look for Penguin and Shachi. Maybe they were with her.


She wasn't with them.

Ren had asked the two mechanics only to get a worried reply. It was rainy cats and dogs outside, and everyone had returned back to the ship, all but Shiki.

The trio grew anxious as there was no signs of her that they reported it to Law who was in the infirmary, sorting out his supplies with Bepo by his side.

"Captain! Shiki-chan hasn't returned yet!" Penguin urgently reported, coming into the room without knocking, followed by Shachi and Ren.

Law froze what he was doing, snapping his attention to his men, "What?"

"Shiki-chan is missing?" Bepo asked worriedly.

"It's raining so hard now and no sign of Shiki-chan!" Shachi panicked, clutching his hat to his head.

Law immediately stood up, leaving his nodachi behind and ran out of the room.

"Captain?!" the trio and bear yelled out.

"Stay here and contact me if she comes back!" he ordered with an annoyed tone. He was getting annoyed with Shiki getting in trouble.

"Aye, Captain!"


Heavy splashes shot out from under his feet as he stormed through the rain, frantically searching for the black hair woman, "Shiki-ya!" Law yelled out, searching for his subordinate. He was running under the heavy rain, narrowed eyes focused as he turned his head left and right. 

Passing by buildings that became a blur to him, he came to a stop at the end of a street. Teeth clenched tight as he thought of where she was.

Did she leave him or was she still on the island?

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