The End?

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This chapter is so long...

Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or anything related to it except for my OC and unrelated plots in this. I also do not own any pictures.


"- wake up."

Someone ordered, shaking her awake from a dreamless sleep. She was still tired but Shiki groggily opened her eyes, her sight blurred for a moment before she sleepily blinked them away, the haziness clearing away to a snoozing Captain curled in front of her face.

She blinked slowly, her brows furrowing in confusion. It seemed Captain also fell asleep but it wasn't Captain who told her to wake up... Captain also couldn't talk, she remembered. 

Maybe it was a dream?

"Shiki-ya, wake up." 

Captain sounded a lot like Law, she realized.

Blinking, her tired mind finally registered that there was another presence in the room.

Tilting her head over her shoulder, she saw Law siting on the edge of her bed with an irritated scowl on his face, impatiently waiting for her to wake up.

When Law saw that she was now awake and had her attention on him, he went right to business. After breakfast was over, he had gestured to his first mate to speak in privately to what had originally caught the bear's attention. The news he received from Bepo had him brooding and he dismissed the bear before pacing towards where Shiki was.He had slammed her door open, only to see that she was sleeping, he immediately went to wake her up, not really caring that she was asleep- her health was top priority right now.

"When were you going to tell me about your condition?" he questioned with a growl, angered at her lack of awareness.

Shiki furrowed her brow, looking around for the time, but when she realized she didn't own a clock, she laid her head back on the pillow, "What time is it?" her nap felt extraordinary short even for a nap, she felt like she just closed her eyes for a few minutes and boom, she was shaken awake.

Law seethed, "Answer the question." he demanded.

Still tired, Shiki turned her head towards him with half lidded eyes before lowering her gaze to the thigh closets to her head. She started to wondered which one was comfier, the pillow or his thigh?

"Shiki-ya." a growl directed at her, his tone losing patience.

Huffing, Shiki lifted herself slightly, enough to plop her head on his thigh, and surprising Law. She made herself comfortable and curled up to him before remembering the question he asked her, which was... right, her condition.

She let out a sigh, nuzzling her nose to the denim fabric, "You never asked." she bluntly stated, letting out a content sigh. Law's thigh was surprisingly comfier than the-

A sudden tight grip clutched at her head with a bruising force, causing her to open her eyes and frown.

On second thought, the pillow was comfier, even if it was too soft and squishy, it didn't make her head hurt.

"Fine." anger restrained in his voice as he breathed out, "I'll ask, but you can not change the subject," the grip on her head tightened, "understand?" the authority in his voice meant business. He needed a straight answer with no distractions from her.

"Hn." she grunted, the grip on her head lessening, but he didn't pull his hand away.

Law took a deep breath, calming himself before he started off with his interrogation, "Bepo told me he smelled blood coming from you, now tell me exactly where the blood is coming from." he demanded, narrowing his eyes on the woman laying her head on his thigh.

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