The brilliance of a pan

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Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or anything related to it except for my OC and unrelated plots in this. I also do not own any pictures.


With the battle commence, Law reduced the size of his 'Room' to accommodate his battle with the Vice Admiral, sparks flying as blades clashed against one another.

Being pushed back, the Vice Admiral leaned back, dodging just an inch from the edge of the nodachi, clicking his tongue at the close call before pushing forward with his sword. Sukanku repeatedly swung at Law, clangs of metal sounding with each hit.

"Why don't you save yourself the trouble and just quietly come with us?" the vice admiral mocked as both blades pushed against each other.

Law smirked with sweat forming on his cheek, "Now where would the fun be in that?" he mocked back, irritating the vice admiral. His sword arm shook as well as his opponent, both evening matched.

Sukanku growled before raising a brow when the Surgeon of Death lifted a finger upwards on his free hand.



Sukanku widened his eyes behind his shades before quickly leaping away as a stone thorn shot out from the sand, nearly impaling him.

Law let out an irritated smirk as he conjured up more stones thorns with a flick of a finger, trying to impale the man which only helped to create a distance between them.

While he was grateful that he wasn't facing an Admiral, facing a Vice Admiral can be quite a pain as well. 

And speaking of Vice Admiral, Law gave a quick glance over at the once vice admiral only to sweatdrop when he saw that the woman was using a frying pan as her weapon.

He didn't know whether to laugh or not before he was quickly snapped out of it when Sukanku charged at him with a battle cry, their swords once again clashing against one another.


Reika had pushed the chopped marines into the sea with a sweep of her large indigo wings that cried out at the sudden gust of wind.

Those who stood their ground quickly ran into action, breaking into formation and disperse to arrest the Heart Pirates while their Vice Admiral took on against the Pirate Captain.

As a large group of marines charged towards Shiki and her group, Ren began to panic.

"W-What should we do?!" Ren fretted, not used to facing so many opponents at once, "Could we even handle all of them? Hey Leo, can you fight without your gun?"

Leo stood up from the ground, stretching out his legs, "Well, while my forte is with the firearms, I think I capable with hand to hand combat..." he said, eyeing the swords in the marine's hands.

"Shiki?!" Ren turned to her, asking her.

Shiki pushed herself up, patting the sand off her lower body. As she did, she noticed the extra pans that Ren had brought, sitting near the mini open fire.

Raising a brow at her look, Ren took a step forward, just as Shiki took a hold of one of his frying pans, "Shiki, what are you planning? Those are my good pans." he warily asked, sweat dripping down his cheek to his chin.

Weighing the pan in her hand, Shiki flipped it the air before catching it by the handle, "I'm going to borrow this." was all she said as she jogged towards the very close marines that took the opportunity to surround her in numbers while the others continued on to Leo and the others.

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