Perverts, Names and Bounties

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Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or anything related to it except for my OC and unrelated plots in this. I also do not own any pictures.

Walking to the submarine was a quiet walk back for Law, only the sound of crunching grass under their feet and Bepo's voice was the only sounds to his ears.

A few things that Law noticed about Shiki was that she doesn't speak unless necessary, such as when Bepo talked about his crew's antics, Shiki would nod every once in a while and when his first mate asks for her opinion, she would talk, but not much.

Another thing was that Shiki preferred Bepo, seemingly more comfortable with the bear than him.

The whole time the woman has been holding onto Bepo's paw between her small hands, just staring at it as they walked while his first mate carried her scythe.

Law preferred it that way as there wouldn't be a chance for her to suddenly attack.

Nearing the clearing, Law could see that his chef had prepared a barbecue, the others setting out picnic blankets to sit on.

As soon as they spotted Law, they smiled but it soon disappeared as they saw Shiki, holding onto Bepo's paw like it was the most interesting thing in the world and Bepo having what seemed like a one-sided conversation.

They watched as the three walked into the ship, the pirates didn't seem to recognize her but did know her from the papers, a few could remember her from before but spoke nothing of it since their Captain didn't seem to have a problem with it. They didn't mind as well... but they will keep their guard up.


Leading Shiki down to the infirmary, Law dismissed Bepo which somehow made Shiki look lonely as she looked up and stared after bear that left the two alone.

"Shiki-ya, right this way." Law gestured, opening the door open for her.

Shiki turned from the direction of the fluffy bear to Law's grin, staring at him before toddling in the room.

She was here because Bepo asked her to, now she was left alone with a man and no fluffy bear.

She felt bored now.

And Bepo took her scythe with him.

Standing in the middle of the infirmary, Shiki heard the Dark Surgeon close the door behind her and walked towards his desk, the one with a small stack of papers and some folders neatly placed on the side.

"Take a seat, Shiki-ya."

Seeing a bed, she moved towards it, feeling a bit dizzy as she broke into a cold sweat, the pain finally catching up to her. 

Plopping down on the semi-hard bed, Shiki stared down at her feet, waiting for Law to treat her.

"Take off your shirt." she didn't even realize that Law pulled up a chair in front of her.

She blinked, lifting her head up, and stared at him with a judging eye, the other covered by her long side fringe.

Law sighed, knowing what she was thinking.

"Shiki-ya, I'm a doctor, I need to see your wound and your shirt is in the way."

Shiki blinked, taking in the newfound information, "I thought you were a captain."

The Dark Doctor was beginning to doubt his choice of actions but still held on, "Yes, I am." he said patiently, "I'm the Captain and doctor."

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