The end of Law's Birthday day

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Happy Birthday, Law! :3

Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or anything related to it except for my OC and unrelated plots in this. I also do not own any pictures.


Everything turned dark, but the funny thing was that Shiki was unconscious, yet still felt awake and knew what was going on around her.

The feminine looking man stared down at the shoulder with the missing arm with a blank face, his delicate features eventually turning that of a troubled person.

"Shiki-chan, you shouldn't do reckless things like that," he started, scanning around the room for a missing arm and smiled when he found it, "I like having my curses come true so I won't have you dying on me before the time limit is over." he gracefully retrieved the arm, turning it so it won't drip on him, "And I definitely won't have something interfering with my curse." he then proceeded into attaching the arm back, thinking up a 'positive-negative' curse.

Even if she was 'dead', her soul was still bound by the curse, which gave him plenty of time to "revive'" her.

Once he thought up of one, he took out a wooden paint brush and placing it on the area that was sliced. Clearing his voice, he began to chant a curse to stitch back the limbs like new.

"By the God of Aesculapius, good healing is bestowed on you but as a new passing moon raises, a sacrifice will be offered to Lord Hades, the sins you carry will sentence you to the whelm of the undead as well as punishment for those sins you carry."

As he finished, he drew the kanji for 'death' as the 'chain' to reconnect the severed arm together.

He gently brushed her hair aside, stroking her cheek with the back of his fingers, "You know Shiki-chan, you can't die without accomplishing your curses now. Even if you get stabbed, poisoned, choked, drown or beheaded, your soul will still be here and I'll be there to fix it. Only my curse or I can kill you, nothing else. Got it?" he smiled, smoothing down her hair.

"You will suffer for being alive." he whispered kindly.

He stayed there for a moment of peace, contemplating if he should have drew another flower instead of a character.


Weakly opening her eyes, Shiki laid on the ground with a dazed glaze, slowly closing her eyes to get some extra sleep.

Only to shoot up with widened eyes, pain jolted throughout her body but that wasn't important as she snapped her neck towards her left arm.

It was there.

Lifting it up, she waved it around, expecting it to fly off but it didn't. She also happily noticed that the sleeve of her cloak was fixed with exquisite stitching.

Seeing it was fixed, she immediately took out her baby den den mushi and dialed her friend's number.

"Purupurupuru Purupurupuru..."

Shiki impatiently waited for her to pick up and once she did, she immediately spoke, "Reika, I'm alive." she stated into the receiver, "I'm not dead, I'm speaking to you, aren't I?"

She saw the snail nod its head.

"I'm alive so..." she closed her guilt ridden eyes, "please don't cry." she pleaded softly, opening her eyes to tears falling from the snail's eyes.

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