Good pirates

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Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or anything related to it except for my OC and unrelated plots in this. I also do not own any pictures. 


An urgent knock was made of Shiki's door, combined with a anxious voice.

"Vice Admiral Shiki! We spotted Whitebeard's ship, what do we do? Do we go attack?!"

Shiki, who was sleeping, just grumbled out a response, not caring what they wanted, but unfortunately, the marine outside took that as indication to proceed with action.

"We'll get ready then!"

The Vice Admiral grumbled out something incoherently while turning to the side of her bed, relaxing as running footsteps receded away from her office.

However, a few minutes later, Shiki awoke to the sound of shouting, yelling and battle cries from outside her room.

With a sleepy frown, she pushed herself from her bed, grabbing her scythe by her desk, Shiki ran a hand through her hair with a grumpy face as she pushed open her door with her eyes barely opened.

As soon as she stepped out, she casually tilted her head to the side, avoiding a stray dagger that suddenly flew at her. Stilling for a moment, Shiki slowly blinked open her eyes, and turned to see the dagger lodge itself in the wall before turning back to see just why her men was so noisy to the point she had to wake up from her nap.

Only to see them engaged in a fight with some pirates.  

"Justice will prevail!"

"Everyone, don't let them get close to Whitebeard!"

Shiki let out a small groan, rubbing the sleep from her face. Just why were they fighting? There weren't any assignments assigned to them, nor did her den den mushi ring.

She didn't dwell on that for long before gripping her scythe and flashing away from her office, then appearing behind one of her men, where she deflected an unsuspecting bullet from the other ship with her scythe.

The marine that Shiki saved, flinched at the sound that felt a little too close to home before whipping around. His eyes widened in surprised at who he saw, "Vice Admiral Shiki?!"

All noise seemed to seize after that as everyone heard the announcement of the Vice Admiral of the ship having finally joined the unplanned battle.

The pirates on guard while the marines awaited for righteous orders.

Shiki on the other hand looked around with a frown, trying to understand why she had to wake up, "What's going on?" disapproval sounded in her tone, although there was a hint of sleep laying under it.

Hearing the disapproval in her voice, the marines all cried out, "Vice Admiral Shiki!"

"Get back on board at once." she ordered, rubbing her face to get the rest of the sleep out of her.

The marines came back reluctantly, some looked unsure and some trying to blame Oni, the one who went to notify their Vice Admiral about the Whitebeards. 

If their Vice Admiral was this disapproving then maybe Oni had heard wrong. Maybe they weren't suppose to charge at the Whitebeard pirates all of a sudden with no backup, they were too strong for them to deal with, even for Vice Admiral Shiki - they needed at least three more Vice-Admirals to take on Whitebeard himself, or maybe until headquarters send them an Admiral to deal with Whitebeard himself while they dealt with his crew.

Yes, that's right, this is all Oni's fault.

As soon as her men came on bored, lining up in front of her did Shiki speak while the pirates watched in bemusement, "Who attacked first?"

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