Mommy's Okay?

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I'm sorry this chapter's short but there was less to type

Lindsey's POV

I've always wanted to be a police officer, when I was a little girl it was all I ever dreamed of, but it's things like these that make me wonder if I'm in the right career path. I love the job, I love helping people, but knowing I couldn't help that woman hurt me, it hurt me so much, she didn't deserve to die especially in such a violent way.

I'm snapped from my thoughts when I hear the car door open, but not the drivers side door, the back door.

I turn in my seat to see Carlos holding a little boy with blonde curly hair. My stomach dropped when I realized there was a child in that house, the same house with a slain woman's body in it.

Carlos' POV

I watched Lindsey's face turn from one of confusion to pure horror as she realized what Lane has been through today, but I didn't have time to explain to her what was going on. I needed to get Lane to sit in the backseat, I just have a feeling that if he was so scared of me a minute ago he won't be much of a fan of the homicide team and all the loud noises that come with them.

I crouched beside the car with the door flung wide open trying to shift Lane so that I can place him on the seat with the least bit of discomfort. As I moved to sit him in the backseat his small arms tightened around my neck and he let out a sad little whine.

"Hey buddy I gotta buckle you up so we can drive back to the station." I said trying my hardest to soothe him.


"Why? Why can't we go?" I asked him.

"Wanna stay with mommy!"

I heard Lindsey let out a sob as the toddler begged for his mother. Lindsey's a good person who'll make a hell of a cop when she's done with training, but I knew she couldn't handle emotions that well so I closed the car door to leave her be for a few minutes.

After closing the door I turned my attention from Lindsey back to Lane. Who was now squirming and whining trying to get out of the tight grip I had on him.

"Hey, hey buddy calm down, okay?" I tried calming him to no avail.

"I want mommy!" He screamed.

"I know buddy, I know" I said bouncing him on my hip trying not to be bothered by Lane's tears that were dampening my uniform.

"Why I can't see mommy?" He said looking up at me with red puffy eyes.

"Because buddy, mommy had to go away for a little while."

"Mommy's okay?" He asked me. That one question managed to break my heart into a million pieces, just like when Owen and I found TK during the whole hostage situation.

"Yeah baby, ... yeah she's okay"

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