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Carlos' POV

We had spent our entire day doing nothing.

It almost felt normal, like we weren't in fear of loosing our son.

TK and I were lounging on the couch while watching Owen and Lane staging several fake rescues with toys and having the pups from Paw Patrol save the day.

We spent all day watching different Disney movies while huddling on the couch. It was fun but when Owen came home early Lane had no interest in the tv wanting nothing more than to play with his grandfather.

TK was curled into my side holding his phone, upon closer inspection I could see that he was texting his mom, they've been trying to work out a good time for her to come visit but with the pregnancy, the pandemic, and the fact that our house burned down it was pretty difficult.

I heard my phone ringing and picked it up from the coffee table. Lane looked up from the game him and Owen were playing curiously.

Noticing the caller ID I chose to take the call in the kitchen.

"Hey Lindsey." I said while putting the phone to my ear.

"Hey dude! Why haven't you been answering my texts?"

"You texted me?" I pulled my phone away from my ear and checked the lock screen sure enough I had numerous texts from Lindsey.

"Sorry Lindsey I didn't see those. I haven't really used my phone today."

"Whatever it's fine." I heard a car door shut on Lindsey's side of the phone as well as people talking amongst themselves in the background.

"Hey what was that?"

"What was what?"

"Are you going somewhere?"

"Hold that thought for a sec."

Lindsey hung up.

Then the doorbell rang a total of four times.

"Carlos can you get that!" I heard TK ask from the other room.

"Yeah, I got it babe!" I responded while walking towards the door.

After opening the door I was overwhelmed with the amount of people squished together on the front porch.

Every member of the 126 was there along with Grace and Lindsey, and they were all holding something. Grace had a stuffed giraffe, Matteo had two twelve packs of soda, and Lindsey was holding some kind of lego set.

"Um ... hi."


Once inside everyone on the team raced to see who would get to sit next to Lane and play with the three year old, the winners being Lindsey and Mateo. Grace and Marjan sat on the couch next to TK. Judd and Paul where running around handing out coke cans and beers, and everyone else was situated around the room comfortably.

"You're so cute!" Lindsey practically screamed while pinching Lanes cheeks lightly.

Lane scrunched his nose and swatted her hands away.

"Stop!" He said while pointing one finger at Lindsey, earning a laugh from the whole room.

Lindsey gave an exaggerated fake pout at being told off by a toddler.

The group sat in silence for a while watching Lane talk a mile a minute about Chase from Paw Patrol.

It was comforting to see all the most important people in my life sit together in one room especially after the way things had been going lately with Lane's grandparents.


After everyone had left I noticed TK kinda spacing out and getting lost in thought, but I chose not to bring it up in favor of getting Lane ready for bed.

I walked into our room shortly after putting Lane to bed to see TK just sitting on our bed looking at his phone.

"Hey babe." I said trying to start a conversation while changing, but he didn't respond.

"Babe." I tried again after changing fully.


He finally snapped out of his haze and looked at me.

"Hey Carlos ... what's up?" He asked looking up from his phone.

"What's up with you?" I asked while sitting next to him in bed.

TK looked at me with a confused expression.

"You're being weird." He said flatly

I leaned towards him slightly and kissed his forehead. He put his head on my shoulder. I instinctively ran a hand through his hair.

"Tell me what you were thinking so hard about?" I asked him quietly.

"Getting married."

"What." I stopped running my hand through his hair.

TK took a deep breath before speaking.

"I just think we'd look more stable as a married couple."


"Yeah Carlos, I think we should get married. At least on paper. It'll make us look better in the custody battle."

"The custody battle?" I questioned raising an eyebrow. "TK are you sure these are the right circumstances."

"Yeah why not. I love you. You love me. We're trying to adopt a child. Seems perfect to me."

I chuckled quietly while hugging him closer to my body.

"Well shit." I said into his hair.

"What?" He asked while looking up at me.

"I wanted to be the one to propose."

TK laughed and backed away from me slightly.

"Do it."

"Do what?"

"Propose to me Carlos."

"I can't propose without a ring."

He rolled his eyes at me.

"Oh my god Carlos, just do it."


I cupped the back of his head with my right hand and pulled him closer to me.

"Tyler Kennedy Strand-"

"Bad start already." He cut me off, making me laugh.

"Sorry, TK," I took a deep breath deciding to just say it, "will you marry me?"

"Yes." He responded before quickly closing the distance between our lips.


First chapter in awhile. What do y'all think about the way the story is looking? Also what do you guys think of Lanes grandparents, I personally love his grandmother but hate his grandfather.

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