Family Court

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Let me just say that I'm fully aware that I don't update as often as I should, and I'm sorry for that. I've honestly been having a pretty hard time with life lately. But I'm trying and I hope that's enough for y'all.


Courtrooms are scary, even if it's not a murder case or something haunting like that.

Maybe it's especially scary for Carlos and I because our whole lives are riding on this.

Our son.

Today determines whether or not he'll legally be ours.

When our group walked into the courtroom we took our seats immediately. We had to wait awhile for Mildred and William to walk in.

But when they did they sure as hell made an impression. They both basically jogged to their seats, I couldn't help noticing the angry look on Williams face.

Were they fighting? Who fights with their spouse on a day like this?

I chose to ignore the Matthews, after that.

We stood as the judge entered the room.

Once she sat down we started immediately.

"Today's case is that of one 3-year old Lane Matthews," Carlos and I were holding hands as the judge spoke. I couldn't help noticing his palms sweating a bit.

"The maternal grandparents Mildred and Willam Matthews are pursuing custody as well as the foster parents Carlos Reyes and Tyler-Kennedy Strand."

I cringed inwardly at hearing my full name.
" Is the case worker Diana Jennings here as well?" The judge asked.

I looked around and spotted Diana sitting next to my father, she raised her arm when the judge acknowledged her.

"Lovely." The judge said at seeing Diana.

After that the judge jumped straight in.

Diana was called to the front of the courtroom to read our statements aloud.

"The following statement was written by Mildred and William Matthews." Diana stated before beginning to read.

" We believe Lane belongs with us, simply because he's our grandson. He should live with his real family, we're certain it's what his mother would've wanted. We have the ability and resources to care for him properly and it's what we intend to do. It is simple truth that Lane won't be taken care of properly if he were to remain in the custody of Mr. Stand and Mr. Reyes due to their hectic work schedules as first responders. It is for these reasons that we believe custody of our grandson Lane Matthews should be granted to us."

Diana looked up from the paper in her hands and took a breath once finished reading.

The judges face remained neutral. I snuck a glance at the Matthews, Mildred was beaming and William's face remained stoic. Carlos kept a perfectly straight face. He was so good at hiding his feelings, I was certain I looked like a nervous wreck.

Diana unfolded a new piece of paper and I knew what it was before she even said it.

"The following statement was written by Tyler-Kennedy Strand and Carlos Reyes."

I felt my breath catch in my throat, Carlos' hand squeezed mine tighter. We had tried our hardest with the statement but neither of us truly knew how to convince the judge that our son belonged with us.

Diana took a deep breath before she began reading.

"Lane Matthews doesn't look like either of us, we don't look like a family, but we are one. Lane loves Paw Patrol and always says that Chase and Marshall are his favorites because they remind him of his papa and daddy. His favorite fruit is apples, he can't say his r's, and he loves toy story. He broke his left arm when we dropped him off with the Matthews, this incident occurred due to Mr. and Mrs. Matthews getting into what they're calling a small argument. Regardless of the circumstances our son was injured and the Matthews are partly at fault. Lane Matthews is Mildred and William Matthews grandson biologically, but when it comes to love Lane is and forever will be our son, and a boy belongs with his parents."

I could feel eyes on me. The entire courtroom was looking at Carlos and I.

Diana took a calming breath before setting the 2 sheets of paper in front of judge and walking back to her seat.

I snuck a glance towards the Matthews, Mildred's eyes met mine. I couldn't decipher the look on her face or what it meant, she almost looked close to tears.

The judge cleared her throat, affectively grabbing attention.

"Let's proceed." The judge said firmly.

Carlos' hand was still clutching mine.

"Mr. Strand."

I felt myself jump slightly when the judge said my name.

"Is it true that you in the past have struggled with drug addiction?"

The judge looked at me as if she already knew the answer.

"Yes, I have." I urged my voice not to show any signs of anxiety.

The judge nodded. "And when was your last relapse?" She asked.

"About 2 years ago." I felt Carlos squeeze my hand in reassurance.

"That's good." The judge said.

The judge cleared her throat before continuing. "Mr. Reyes."

Carlos fixed his posture.

"Is it true that you assaulted Mr. Matthews in the hospital while Lane was being treated for a broken arm?"

"I wouldn't call it an assault." Carlos spoke with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Mr. Reyes, is it true?" The judge questioned once more.

"Yes, it's true but-"

"Moving on." The judge cut Carlos off, not giving him a chance to defend himself.

I heard Carlos take a quiet deep breath next to me.

"Mr. and Mrs. Matthews."

The Matthews barely acknowledged that the judge called them, they were scarily calm.

"I would like to ask why your daughter Beatrice chose to move to Austin on her own as soon as she turned 18?" The judge spoke with her chin raised.

I could hear Mildred take deep breath from across the courtroom.

"To be honest your honor I'm not sure why she chose to move down here." William spoke condescendingly.

The judge nodded.

"And you, Mrs. Matthews?" The judge nodded towards Mildred.

"Uh," Mildred sniffled before continuing, "I believe she originally moved down here with a friend, I'm not sure why they chose Texas though."  Mildred whipped at her eyes quickly, trying to hide any tears threatening to spill.

Since our conversation at the hospital I had assumed that Mildred was having a hard time coping with her daughters death.

The judge looked sympathetic, but quickly returned to her stoic expression.

"Mr. and Mrs. Matthews, is it true that Lane Matthews was injured due to an argument between the both of you?" The judge asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Yes." William replied.

"What was it about?" The judge questioned.

Mildred took a shaky breath.

"Well, um, it's silly really. We were arguing about where we would take Lane for lunch." Mildred giggled quietly while telling the judge.

The judge seemed to accept this answer, I on the other hand did not. What Mildred is describing is a disagreement, not an argument.

I held my tongue even though I was almost certain my opinion was expressed on my face.

The judge was reviewing the papers in front of her.

She cleared her throat once more.

"Custody of Lane Matthews shall be granted to-"

I shut my eyes, I felt Carlos squeeze my hand tightly.

I could basically here Andrea whispering prayers behind me. I really hope her prayers are answered.

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