Professional Chit Chat

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Remember when I introduce new characters I update the cast list.


I wanted to get high.

It was all I had been thinking about. Since five days ago when Diana the social worker had caught up with me at the daycare. It was all I was thinking about when I told Carlos what happened. It was all I was thinking when I explained to my dad why he needed to watch Lane for a couple hours. It's all I was thinking about last night while I was getting Lane ready for bed.

And it was all I was thinking about while tying my shoes, getting ready to go to this professional chit chat with Carlos.

"Hey babe you ready to go yet?" I heard Carlos from the living room where he'd been waiting for the past eighteen minutes.

"Yeah I'm coming." I yelled back while unplugging my phone from its charger.

The first thing I saw when I stepped in the living room was Lane sat in the middle of the floor with all different kinds of trucks surrounding him, his favorite being the fire truck my dad bought for him.

I crouched down slightly and picked up my son giving myself a second to take in his appearance. My dad obviously got him dressed today seeing as he's wearing a t-shirt that says 'Little Fire Chief' on it overtop of a long sleeve striped undershirt.

I held Lane close to me while I walked into the kitchen to find Carlos cutting an apple into slices and putting them on plastic plate.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked me barely looking up from the knife in his hand.

"I guess I have to be."

He finished cutting the apple and took Lane from me to sit him in his chair with a booster seat attached at the table. I took the plate full of apple slices and sat it in front of him at the table.

Carlos made his way over to me and put both his hands on my waist.

"Whatever happens, we got this. Okay?" He tells me looking straight into my eyes.

"... okay."

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest then kissed the top of my head.


We both turned to look at our son staring at us with a disgusted face.

Carlos unwrapped his arms from around me and instead steadily walked over to Lane wrapping his arms around the three year olds small body and started blowing loud raspberries into his cheek.

I couldn't hold my laughter at the sight. I quickly pulled out my phone to start recording what was happening, and for a second I forgot where we were going all together.


"Dad make sure he's not going outside while we're gone, I don't need to worry about him scrapping a knee, or elbow, or something. Okay?"

"TK we'll be fine here for a couple hours."

"I'm not joking take this seriously."

"You might as well just agree with him Owen. He's got his mind set there's no changing it." Carlos cut into our little conversation while bouncing Lane slightly.

I took Lane out of Carlos' arms and held him close to my chest.

I kissed his cheek before checking my watch and realizing we needed to leave.

"Carlos we gotta go now." I told him while setting Lane down with a final kiss to the top of his head.

Carlos gave Lane a quick hug and kiss before grabbing my hand.

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