Grandpa Number 3, Grandma Number 2

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Carlos' POV

Getting legally married isn't that interesting, all you really have to do is sign a piece of paper and commit to it. But just cause our wedding wasn't flashy and big doesn't mean I'll ever forget it.

TK and I went down to the courthouse along with Lane and Owen to get legally married. The best part was actually when Lane asked the man explaining the contract to us if he liked fire trucks or police cars more. He answered police cars.

After signing our paper Owen went home to take Buttercup to the vet while TK, Lane, and I headed to my parents house to have dinner and for them to meet Lane.


We pulled up to my parents house pretty quickly since they lived so close to the courthouse.

We all got out of the car and quickly made our way to the front door with TK holding Lanes hand.

I knocked on the door and 2 seconds later my mom was at the door smiling wide and pulling me into a hug.

"Hi mom." I said while hugging her back.

Once she let go of me she turned to TK and hugged him to.

"Congratulations, both of you!" She said with her hand resting on TK's left shoulder.

"Oh come in, don't just stand there!" She said with a playful tone to her voice.

Once the three of us had stepped inside she finally looked down at Lane who was still holding TK's hand.

"Oh, oh my god!" She shouted while kneeling to be leveled with the toddler.

"Who is this angel?"  She said in high voice.

TK joined her kneeling and put a hand on Lane's shoulder. "This is Lane, Carlos and I's foster son." He said while smiling.

Her smile only got wider when she heard this.

TK looked between Lane and my mom. "Lane this is your Abuela Andrea." He said casually introducing my mother as his grandmother.

My mother practically screamed and hugged Lane. The poor three year old looked so confused, but he'll get used to how affectionate his grandmother is.

TK and my mom finally stood up with my mom holding Lane fussing over how cute he was.

"Uh... Mom where's dad?" I asked her.

She stopped fussing over Lane's hair for a second to acknowledge me. "He's upstairs hold on a second honey."

She walked over to the staircase still holding Lane who was now resting his head on her shoulder. "Gabriel come downstairs and meet your grandson!" She called up the stairs. I could hear a very faint "What?" In the distance.

My father came running down the stairs a moment later. Rushing straight to where my mother was standing holding Lane. He joined her in gushing about how cute he was, meanwhile TK and I were just standing there smiling at how silly they looked.


After finishing dinner we sat in the living room talking about nothing in particular. When my mother got bored of the conversation she joined Lane in looking at the fish tank on the other side of the living room.

Once my mother was busying herself with entertaining Lane my father turned towards us.

"What a sweet boy." He said almost cooing.

TK smiled and looked down at his lap.

"You're going to adopt him, right?" He asked

"We're trying dad." I responded so that TK didn't have to.

"What d'you mean you're trying?"

"His biological grandparents are trying to get custody." TK told him in a low voice. I put my hand on his knee.

"We don't know what's gonna happen yet dad, but we're trying to stay hopeful." I said hoping it would stop the conversation, which it did.

By the time we left Lane only addressed my parents as Abuela and Abuelo. Obviously he didn't really have the accent down yet, but who cares it was cute.

A/N: Don't y'all love Andrea, she's literally so adorable to me.

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