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Lane had been crying all day. I didn't blame him I kinda felt like crying to. Today we had take Lane to a park so he could meet his grandparents.

He started fussing about it the second Carlos brought it up at breakfast. It was heartbreaking to hear my son crying and I couldn't really do anything about it. It wasn't my choice if it was he wouldn't have to meet his grandparents today, he wouldn't have to meet them ever if that's what he wanted.

We were sitting in the car, Carlos was driving, Lane was watching a movie on my phone in the backseat, and I was in the passenger seat.

"Hey Lane, what if after we see the Matthews we go out for lunch?" Carlos asked the three year old while glancing in the rear view mirror.

I turned to look at him before he gave an answer.

Lane appeared to be seriously thinking it over, which was surprising since he usually leapt at the chance to go out to eat.

"No." He said in a voice just above a whisper.

"Are you sure? We could go through the drive through at McDonald's and eat at home."

"No." Lane seemed to be very set on the fact he didn't want to go out.

"Okay baby, how about when we go home we play with the new toy grandpa got you?" I asked him hoping to lift his spirits.

He looked a bit happier when I mentioned the Paw Patrol themed play set my dad had bought him yesterday.

"Yeah!" He shouted much happier than before.

Carlos and I were sitting on a bench at a park we had never been to before. Lane brought a couple of his trucks and was playing with Mrs. Matthews a few feet away.

What was weird about this whole thing though was that her husband wassn't playing with Lane or trying to get to know the toddler along with his wife. He was standing in front of Carlos and I asking dozens of questions.

"Does it hurt knowing you'll never have your own children?"

"We have our own child, his name is Lane and he's your grandson. Remember?" Carlos responded to the annoying old guy.

"Which of you is the woman in the relationship?"

That one was a shocker, and I'm not even a hundred percent sure what he meant.

"Honey come see what Lane's doing!" His wife called from a few feet away.

"I'll be there in a second!" He yelled back way too loudly.

He turned towards us again.

"Are you two like the gay boys on tv who call each other queen all the time?"

"No. Those are stereotypes." Carlos said obviously bored of the whole situation.

"William!" Mildred jogged up to her husband.

"I called for you a few minutes ago."

"I'm only speaking with the young men that have been taking care of our grandson."

"Yeah well we came her to spend time with our grandson, not his foster parents." She spoke in a hushed voice trying to keep the conversation they were having a foot away from us secret.

"Alright, alright." William mumbled while walking toward where Lane was pushing a toy police car back and forth.

"I'm sorry about him, he gets curious and then he forgets his manners." Mildred desperately tried to apologize for her husbands homophobia.

I nodded in response to her apology.

She waved at us while walking back to where Lane was looking uncomfortable sitting next to his grandfather.

When it was time to leave Mildred picked Lane up and held him close to her chest while kissing his head. William just sorta patted his back awkwardly.

Carlos' POV

We were all situated in the car, I was driving, Lane was buckled in his car seat in the back, and TK was sitting in the passenger seat.

It was uncomfortably quiet. Usually in the car we'd play the soundtrack to whatever Disney movie Lane was obsessed with that week or he'd sit in backseat playing with whatever toy he'd brought along.

I decided on breaking the silence.

"So, Lane. Did you have fun with your grandparents?"

I saw TK glance at me with almost a scared look in his eyes.

"Mimi is funny!" Lane shouted while smiling wide.

I turned to TK and saw he was just as confused as I was.

"Is Mimi what you call Mildred?"

Lane answered TK's question with a simple nod.

"Pappy is not nice." Lane mumbled slightly.

TK turned in his seat to look at him.

"Why wasn't he nice baby?"

"He don't like toys." Lane said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Some grown ups are boring." TK told him while smiling.

I hated everything about today. Something about having to be nice to the people trying to tear your family apart sucks.

But we did end our day on a high note, the 126 swung by after their shift and we had a huge barbecue in the backyard. We spent hours running around the backyard with Lane and then eventually Buttercup got involved.

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