Sweet Dreams

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Carlos' POV

Lane was really tired out when we picked him up from day care. He had apparently had an amazing day full of playing with toys and socializing.

I wish I could say the same about the adults in the house. I mean, sure, we were all tired but not from a fun day with friends.

No we were exhausted for a completely different reason.

TK led Lane to his bedroom to put on his pajamas, I was looking around the living room.

Lane had made such a mess of it, the coffee table was pushed against the couch, there were toys everywhere, and I could see tiny fingerprints left by sticky fingers on the TV, we were always telling him not to play with it.

I'm certain most parents would be upset if their child left such a mess, but I couldn't even force myself to be mad on a day like this.

I turn my back to the living room and choose to join TK in Lane's room.

When I get to room though, Lane isn't getting changed or ready for bed. Him and TK are sitting on the floor playing.

TK is still sniffling from all the crying he did in the car.

"Hey, what are you guys doing in here?" I asked, forcing myself to smile in front of my son.

"I'm playing with daddy!" Lane said excitedly.

That brought a real smile to my face.

TK is usually pretty strict about bedtime, but given the circumstances, I'm sure he would love to stay up all night playing with Lane.

I'm filled with dread when I remember that we have to explain the situation, and what's happening tomorrow.

I walked to the center of the room to join TK and Lane on the floor.

"Lane, your daddy and I have something to tell you." I glanced at TK who was staring right back at me.

Lane was looking up at me in anticipation.

How does anyone have this conversation?

"Well do you remember Mimi and Pappy?" It was a stupid question, I knew he remembered them, I just didn't want to have to tell him.

"Yes, papa." Lane rolled his eyes.

"Well we went to the court today..." I could feel my voice shaking. "the judge thinks it's a good idea if you move in with them."

Everything froze.

Lane looked confused.

TK was staring at Lane with the most heartbreaking look in his eyes.

"But I wanna live with you and daddy." Lane had tears in his eyes.

"We want you to live with us." TK spoke quietly.

"Then why can't I daddy?" Lane asked, tears started pooling from his eyes.

TK pulled Lane to his chest. I've never seen him hold him so tightly.

I reached forward and pulled both of them towards me.

I could feel Lane's tears soaking my shirt.

After a couple minutes TK loosened his hold on Lane and backed away just enough to look into his teary eyes.

"Lane, baby, you need to understand that, this wasn't our choice. The judge made the decision for us and we have to abide by it." He spoke in a shaky voice, I could see his eyes filling with tears.

"I wanna live with you and papa!" Lane yelled while sobbing.

There was nothing left to say. TK pulled Lane back into his chest and I pulled the both of them impossibly closer to me.

Lane was breathing so fast, and sobbing so much. TK was rubbing up and down his back trying to soothe him to no avail.

Nothing has ever broken my heart more.

Lane passed out after awhile. Even then TK was still holding him. Still rubbing up and down his back and kissing his head.

I forced myself to take a deep breath.

"Why don't you lay him down in our room, so we can pack up his clothes." I stated rather than asked.

TK didn't respond, he just stood with Lane in his arms and walked across the hall to our room.

Once they were gone I glanced around the room.

Soon Lane's gonna have a whole different room, in a whole different house, and a whole different family.

He's so young. Would he even remember us.

I tried to push these thoughts aside and instead focus on what we should be packing for him.

I made my way to the closet to look through his clothes. TK had gone crazy when he went shopping for him. I figured Mildred and William would probably get him a whole new wardrobe, but he needs to have something till then.

I tried to not pay to much attention to what I was pulling from the closet.

I set things on Lane's bed to be put in bags later. After doing this I decided TK was taking to long.

I made my way across the hall to TK and I's bedroom.

Lane was in our bed, asleep. TK was laying next to him in bed, holding him while he slept.

TK's eyes were red, he had been crying so much tonight.

I decided that we could finish packing for Lane in the morning, so for the time being, I laid in bed with my husband and my son. With my arms holding the both of them tightly.

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