Chapter 9

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Clara and Lucretia spent little time in their own chambers. The guest room was small, with just enough space for two narrow beds and a bag each containing each woman's luggage, but it was still nicer than any place Clara had ever stayed in before. Lucretia seemed to agree.

"I wonder if all of their staff who live on the ship stay in rooms like this," Lucretia commented. "Everyone sleeps in one room at the Llewelyns."

"Maybe they're just trying to impress us," Clara said. "The entire family, I mean," she clarified.


"Come on, no time to dawdle," Clara said as Lucretia sank down on her bed. "Araminta will expect us soon."

"I suppose." Lucretia scowled. "I have to say, I really am not looking forward to watching the pair of them flirt their way through the week," she complained. "It's going to get very annoying."

Clara couldn't help but agree, although she had slightly different reasons to objecting to Araminta and Harrison's romantic interactions. She held out her hand to her friend. "Come on," she said. "That's why we have each other. We can suffer together."

Lucretia gave a wry smile as she took Clara's hand, gently squeezing it. "I suppose you're right."
"Now, let's get going. I imagine dinner preparation will be quite an affair."

Clara was right. Dressing for dinners always took time, but with a whole audience to impress, the process took twice as long. Clara guessed that the lengthy preparation would be a staple of the rest of the week.

After several hours, Araminta emerged from her chambers, Clara and Lucretia just behind her, wearing an extraordinary midnight blue gown with metallic silver stars scattered across the corset. Clara had only seen Araminta wear it once, and apparently the occasion tonight was special enough for her to wear it once again.

Clara guessed that the Norringtons were pulling out all the stops as well. While the dining room wasn't quite as extravagantly decorated as the ball, Clara assumed that it was still much more formal than usual. The same went for the Norrington family as well. Clara had never known anyone to dress as if they were attending a ball to a normal weekday dinner.

"Lady Araminta, I hope you don't mind." Mrs. Norrington came floating over to the three of them, a gentleman following behind her. "We have an extra guest with us this evening. This is Mr. Thaddeus London. He's a developer working with my husband."

"Mr. London," Araminta said, giving a small curtsey. "It's a pleasure."

Thaddeus London took Araminta's hand and kissed it. "The pleasure is all mine, my lady," he said. "I greatly look forward to your company tonight."

Harrison came in just at that moment. Slightly late and, while still in a suit, underdressed compared to everyone else, Clara had to suppress a smile. Somehow, his simpler attire made him look even more attractive.

Mrs. Norrington also seemed to notice her son's laxness on the dress code, but unlike Clara, did not seem pleased. "And of course, you know my son, Harrison."

"Nice to see you again, Thaddeus," Harrison said, shaking the man's hand.


"Well, shall we eat?" Mrs. Norrington asked, clapping her hands together. Everyone took their respective places around the table, and as Araminta sat and Clara expected to fade into the background as she did at lunch, a very harried looking staff member approached carrying two wine jugs.

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