Chapter 30

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Clara didn't worry about looking suspicious as she sprinted back to the transport station. Her skirt fell back down around her ankles and flapped in the wind as she ran. Clara didn't see anyone around, but was sure that if anyone was watching, they would think her insane.

Panting, Clara finally got to the station, but the transport she took back down to earth was already gone. She punched a few buttons into the transport request machine, and once she saw that one was on its way, took to pacing the length of the station, head jerking to the transport dock every five seconds to see if it had come yet.

She was on the verge of a breakdown. It would be bad enough to have come home to find Emme sick or to find out that Ezra hadn't made it home. But both?

Clara felt the ground shift underneath her and she lurched over to a wall, leaning against it and taking deep breaths to steady herself. She had to focus on getting her plan to work. Panic could wait for another time.

The transport arrived and Clara couldn't even sit still on her way back to the Norrington manor. She peered out of the small window as she approached the ship and could see transports heading away from it in all different directions. As morning approached, the guests were leaving after the extravagant night.

Clara attracted many stares as she got off her transport, pushing past the crowds of exquisitely dressed guests. She looked a mess, her oxygen filter and scarves down around her neck, her hair frizzy and falling out of its once elegant style. Her dress, once pristine, was dirty and tattered at the bottom. But she pushed her way into the manor anyway, and no one stopped her.

The halls had emptied out, and as Clara approached the ballroom, there were a few guests who remained, but as far as she could tell, neither Harrison nor Araminta were there either. She backed away from the room's entrance, not wanting to attract attention to herself.

Everything hinged on finding Araminta. Clara breathed a sigh of relief as she spotted Lucretia, carrying a tray of empty glasses, coming out of the ballroom.

"Lucretia!" Clara hissed.

Lucretia, who looked dead on her feet, looked around confused, but her expression turned to alarm when she spotted Clara half concealed in shadows. "Clara?" she said, hurrying over. "What is going on? I thought you left."

"I did, I did." Clara struggled to find words, and she forced herself to slow down. "I need to talk to Araminta. Do you know where she is?"

Clara clasped her hands together tightly as Lucretia studied her. "I saw her leave with Harrison about half an hour ago," Lucretia finally said. "I don't know where, exactly, but they headed in the direction of his chambers."

Clara let out a breath. "Thank you, Lucretia."

"But are you alright, Clara?" Lucretia called after her as Clara headed off.

Clara paused and briefly turned back around. "I don't think I can answer that, right now."

Climbing up a set of stairs, Clara hiked up her skirts, only now realizing how tattered the once beautiful dress was. No wonder she got so many stares from the ball guests.

Clara paused as she reached Harrison's chambers. Her conversation with him outside on the balcony seemed like ages ago. But then desperation overtook her uncertainty, and she pounded on the door.

"Come in." Harrison's voice came from inside, and Clara burst through the door.

He and Araminta sat together at a table inside his room, Araminta's back to the room's entrance. Harrison shot out of his chair the moment he saw Clara, and Araminta rose as well when she turned around.

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