Chapter 42

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So now, over the next week, not only did Clara have to prepare Araminta for her engagement celebration, she also had to prepare herself for a dangerous mission that could very well end with her losing her entire livelihood. And she couldn't even discuss it with the only two people who knew the plan. Talking to Harrison or Araminta was too dangerous.

Everything Clara needed to get or know was passed to her from Harrison and Araminta. Mr. Norrington's office was in a private part of the airship, not anywhere Clara would have been to before, so she found herself studying a hand-drawn map every night, memorizing the fast routes in and out.

Any bit of planning was written down as well, the papers destroyed as soon as all three of them had read it. They worked out the timings down to the very minute and came up with multiple contingency plans in case Mr. Norrington did anything out of the ordinary.

Most importantly, Benjamin, their investor who could potentially fix everything, was confirmed to be at the engagement party. If the plan worked, they could get him the proof about London and Bridge that very night, and not arouse any suspicion from Mr. Norrington or Thaddeus London, who would also be there.

It was difficult, though, for Clara to keep everything secret from her siblings. They were all still stressed and worried about Ezra, but Clara was determined not to get them involved in the plan. Especially Amyeliana. She would most likely be at the Norrington manor for the engagement party that night. If she knew what Clara was doing, she would only worry. And it would just be one more source for the information to get out.

But that also meant as the party grew closer and Clara's stress levels increased, her siblings just started to worry about her even more.

But if everything went well, everything would be fixed in a few days. And that was the thought Clara clung to.

Araminta's dress arrived the day of the party. It was bright red, and just as extravagant as the one she wore to her engagement announcement ball.

"It's very beautiful," Clara commented, staring down at the dress in the box.

Araminta came up behind her and sniffed. "Apparently, the Norringtons want everyone in bright colors tonight," she said. "It was written on their invitations. I hate bright colors."

Clara suppressed a smile. "I'm sure you can survive one night."

"I'd rather wear what you're wearing."

The Norringtons supplied all of the visible staff with black uniforms. The dresses were a similar style to the one Clara wore to the engagement announcement ball, just black with black detailing instead of a contrasting color.

"Well, that certainly would shock everyone," Clara said. "You showing up in a servant uniform would start some type of gossip."

"Isn't that what we want?" Araminta mused. "Distractions?"

Clara gave a wry smile, but didn't reply. "How has this week been for you, my lady?" she asked carefully.

"I have to admit," Araminta said, "it's actually been nice spending so much time with Harrison. With everything going on right now," Araminta chose her words carefully as well, "it's nice to be able to spend time with someone who's going through the same thing."

Any of Clara and Araminta's conversations about their plan went in a similar way as this, keeping things vague and using phrases that had double meanings.

"Yes, I suppose that is always nice," Clara commented.

"And are you ready for tonight?" Araminta asked. "After all, you have the hard job. You have to keep me happy."

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