Chapter 36

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Clara didn't tell Araminta much about what was going on. She didn't even know how to explain why she was doing what she was doing. And she didn't want to give her mistress any false hope about her and Harrison's relationship.

All Araminta did know was that Harrison would be coming up to her chambers just before Clara was set to leave, but he wouldn't be staying. As for Andani, Clara only hoped that he would continue his discretion.

But Clara paced Araminta's chambers in the minutes leading up to Harrison's arrival. She had asked her mistress not to ask many questions, promising to give her more information about what was going on the following day. Even so, Clara could tell Araminta was immensely curious.

"I'll see you tomorrow, my lady," Clara said, as a knock rang at the door.

Araminta just nodded and watched her go. Clara slipped out into the hallway, not even bothering to have Harrison come in.

Thankfully, he was dressed appropriately. Everything he wore was a little too clean for earth, but to a casual passerby on the street, there was nothing about him that screamed 'I live on an airship.'

"Hello, Clara." He gave her a cautious smile.

"Harrison." Clara hurried down the hall. "Amyeliana will probably be waiting for us by now. We should get going."

"Why the rush?" He easily caught up with her.

"I don't really want to dawdle here. It will only make people talk," she said. "And we have a lot to do tonight."

"You really want to get to the bottom of what's going on with the factory, don't you?"

Clara stopped and turned toward him. "Harrison, I need you to listen to me."

He looked down at her and nodded, sensing her urgency.

"I've told you about my family, more than I've told most people." Clara stopped and swallowed hard. "I just need you to promise me something."


"If anything seems off between what you see with my family and what I've told you, don't mention it." Clara still didn't want to tell him what happened to Ezra at this point, but she also didn't want him asking where he was once they got to their quarter. "If you have any questions about who's there, ask me after. But not in front of everyone."

He was clearly confused, but he nodded. "I'll follow your lead. I promise."

Clara gave a curt nod. "Good. Let's go."

She was right. Amyeliana was already at the transport dock when they got there, and fortunately, a ship was waiting for them. She gave a brief nod to Andani, who looked at the group curiously but didn't say anything. Amyeliana kept quiet, too, although Clara knew she was bursting to say something.

"Harrison, this is Amyeliana." Clara introduced them after the doors closed and the transport lurched away from the manor. "She works in the kitchens for the Llewelyns. Amyeliana, this is Harrison."

"Nice to meet you," she said politely.

"Likewise. You know, I've always wanted to see the kitchens," Harrison said, a humorous glint in his eye.

"Well, you'd be welcome any time," Amyeliana said, her voice rising slightly in excitement.

"Amyeliana," Clara said sharply, and she gave a small shake of her head.

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