Chapter 23

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Clara avoided talking, or even looking, at Andani as she waited for the transport home that night. He didn't bring up Araminta's obvious lies, but Clara knew he kept glancing at her. She stared at the ground, praying for the transport to arrive soon. The book Harrison gave her was wrapped back up in the brown packaging, tucked beneath her arm. She didn't want anyone asking questions about it.

As soon as the doors opened, Beatrice came bolting out, but she skidded to a halt when she saw Clara. "Oh, Clara," she said, breathless.

"Is everything alright?" Clara asked.

"Oh, yes, everything's fine," Beatrice said. "We were just a bit short staffed tonight and then I had to go down to earth to check on Argus, the breakfast chef's, daughter."

"She was going to come and work for you, right?" Clara asked.

Beatrice nodded. "But she didn't show up, so I went down to find out why. Apparently, she got another job about three hours ago, training alongside the personal seamstress of some rich household."

"That actually sounds amazing."

"Yes, for her. But, anyway, that means we have a position in our kitchen open and it needs to be filled by tomorrow. Doesn't one of your sisters want to work on an airship?"

Clara's mouth opened in shock. "Yes, she does, you'd give her a position? Doesn't Lady Llewelyn need to approve it?"

"Yes, but she knows that we're short staffed without it filled," Beatrice said. "And I'm willing to vouch for her. If she's half as good of a worker as you are, I have full faith she'll do a fine job. It's not fun work," she warned, "chopping and cleaning and taking out the trash. But if she's observant, she can learn a lot about how a kitchen runs, just by being there."

"No, it sounds perfect." Clara felt more excited than she had in a long time. "She'll be thrilled, Beatrice." She gave the chef a hug. "I'll have her here tomorrow morning."

"Excellent. I'll speak to Lady Llewelyn tonight, but assume if you don't hear anything from me that everything worked out."

"Thank you, Beatrice!" Clara exclaimed, and the chef dashed out back to the kitchens.

Bubbling with excitement, Clara couldn't get home fast enough. She hurried through the streets back to her dwelling, and practically burst through the door of her quarter.

But apparently, excitement was in the air in general today. Chatter filled the room as Clara entered, and Emme and Archibald were both on their feet, playing some sort of game with each other.

Ezra hopped when he saw her and greeted her at the door.

"Something good happen that I don't know about?" she asked him.

"Constructions done," he said.

"Done? That seems fast."

"Yes, well, they had a lot of workers." Ezra grinned at her. "But I guess Amyeliana saw that it was complete on her way home from work, so she came and told the others, and she was excited so everyone else got excited. You know how Amyeliana hates that site. They were all buzzing when I got home."

"And since construction is done, that means you have a new job in their factor?" Clara asked cautiously. She doubted Ezra would look so happy if he was unemployed, but she also knew him well enough to know that he could fake it for the sake of the younger three.

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