Chapter 15

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If Clara thought the day would get any less of a handful, she was very wrong. As the usual dinner time approached—with Lord and Lady Llewelyn absent, the meal became a much less formal affair—Clara received a messenger mouse from Beatrice, the head dinner chef, frantically requesting her to the kitchens.

Clara could smell what was going on before anyone told her. There was far too much activity for a casual dinner. "Beatrice," Clara said slowly as she entered the kitchen, "what is going on?"

Beatrice looked both frantic and, rightfully, annoyed. "Our employers have decided to come home early," she said. "And not only that, the Norringtons will be here as well, so not only do we need a dinner suitable for the Llewelyns—"

"We need one to impress their guests," Clara finished for her.

"Which takes planning." Beatrice threw a spoon down on the counter. "So, it's going to be a tight one today."

"What can I do?"

Beatrice put Clara to work chopping some vegetables, but both knew Clara couldn't stay long. Once again, she would be subjected to a long preparation period with Araminta. Clara would rather stay with the plants.

"I didn't realize we were having a large dinner tonight," Clara said as she helped Araminta dress.

"Nobody did," Araminta said. She glanced at herself in the mirror. "But if my parents want one, we have one. And if the Norringtons want to come, they're invited. It's as simple as that, you should know that, Clara."

"Of course, my lady." Clara watched as Araminta applied a thin layer of powder on her face. "How did this afternoon go?"

"Very well." Araminta snapped the powder case closed. "Now, let's go."

Clara couldn't help but notice that Araminta was being shorter with her than usual—which was an impressive feat. The only question: was Araminta just stressed about the Norringtons' unexpected appearance, or had Clara done something to upset her?

In some ways, Clara hoped to never actually find out. She dreaded what the answer might be.

Another evening, another fancy dinner. Araminta was the last to arrive, and given how quiet the manor had been all day, the elaborate decorations and dinner place settings surprised even Clara. It seems someone had pulled off a miracle.

Beatrice had pulled one off as well. A cook pushed a cart of food into the dining room just as Araminta sat down across from Harrison. He gave her a polite smile, but Clara couldn't see how Araminta reacted back.

"Harrison, I'm so sorry we missed you today." Lady Llewelyn took charge of what was shaping up to be an incredibly fascinating conversation. "If we had known you were planning a visit, we would have made sure to be here."

"Oh, don't worry yourself, Lady Llewelyn," Harrison said. "It was my fault for not properly letting you know ahead of time. And besides, Lady Araminta and I had a pleasant conversation together. I had a lovely time." With his last words, his eyes flashed up to Clara, who was currently serving appetizers, and a smile grew on his face.

Clara knew she was blushing and looked down to avoid his stare, doing her best to keep her hand steady as she continued putting food down on plates.

Lady Llewelyn continued to speak, apparently oblivious as to whom Harrison was actually speaking to. "That's wonderful. I'm so glad you two are getting along so well."

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