My Sunshine (Epilogue)

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For years, I have chased after you and your love.
There can only be one answer to this, my dearest Empress.


Days, weeks and months passed after the battle of the three, or was popularly known by common folk as 'The war for the Maiden', the Empire of Versaillus, true to its reputation, quickly got back to their feet.

Postwar reparations were done immediately the day after the end of the war, spearheaded by Casimir's well-trusted righthand man, Roman, with Athena—for some unknown reasons only they know.

The people of Bycrest surrendered as soon as Raidyn's, their king's, death was announced. The empire swallowed the Bycrest under their banner entirely as they became a vassal nation under the Versaillus' reign.

The few Dalriada knights, who were loyal to their young lord to the very end, the mercenaries commissioned under Triton's name, as well as the opposing faction of noble families were all seized— land, power, and even their titles— as they were only left with the clothes on their back.

The Dalriada dukedom, regardless if it was with the consent of the current family head or not, fell to ruin. With no heir to succeed him, Osiris docilely accepted the punishment bestowed upon him and retreated to the provinces to live out the remainder of his years.

Anastasius and Silfor, both good friends of Osiris, were saddened by this chain of events however the latter wished they would send him off with smiles. And so the night before Osiris' departure, the three toasted to their years of mischief, happiness and sorrows of their brotherhood.

Iris, the fake maiden of light and a sinner of multiple charges, was thrown to the dungeons, to William's sheer joy which he expressed in his own cryptic words "I have gained a playmate."

Rumors had it that, every night, the rotating guards would hear whimpers and distant screams echo deep in the dungeons. To whom the cries belong to, they can only guess, and what kind of hell was shown to the wailing banshee, they were better off not knowing and they never wished to know.

Ramir's succession was done with the formal and proper procedures and ritual after Silfor abdicated the Duke's position and handed it over to him saying, "I wanna spend the rest of my days with your mother and maybe visit our grandchildren once in every few days. I hope we live the day when you'll give us a grandchild as well, Ramir."

To which the latter just responded with an awkward shrug of his shoulders and small smile.

Needless to say, Anastasius did the same too—abdicating the throne and passing it on to Casimir. On his side, however, it was only a matter of Casimir's will of when to inherit the throne formally. But even as he posed as the crown prince, he was basically ruling as he handled all the necessary paperwork and governed the empire.

Anastasius was pretty much having an early retirement as soon as Casimir took care of things.

If you look at it in another way, it was basically the new generation's turn to lead.

Heise's identity, as the last divine dragon of darkness, was still perfectly hidden and secure despite witnesses of his great and majestic image ruling the skies and obliterating the rebels. They never knew where the dragon had gone after appearing near the church's bell tower.

Adira and Casimir's days had practically been peaceful ever since the war. They spent each day lovingly, full and contented with each other's presence. Adira continued to be moody with Casimir constantly monitoring her and being overall overprotective but she was otherwise happy all the same.

The few times, she could escape from his needless worry would be the few times he is needed with the postwar recoupments and it becomes Alexander's turn to guard her—who was, for reasons unspoken, went on to become a noble bachelor.

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