A Father's Gratitude

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Casimir was about to slip out of his white jacket when Adira raised a brow at him and asked,

"What are you doing?"

"To cover you."

Is he...

"Oh, Casey. You're cute at times, huh? I don't need that." She said and fixed his jacket for him back to how it used to be. She would even dare say she did it perfectly. He looked good as new.

"There! You're the most handsome now!" She exclaimed patting his chest and glanced up to him, smiling cheekily.

"Am I not handsome without the jacket?"

"Of course not." She didn't hesitate to answer and, abruptly, the temperature dropped.

She nonchalantly shrugged her shoulders and reached out her hand to tuck his stray silver lock back to its place and added, "You'd be tantalizing, you know? And how is a girl as frail as me going to fend off the countless ladies waiting to pounce on you?"

Damn, tonight's dog food also is on a whole another level huh?

The nobles that kept their eyes on this couple's otherworldly looks and specs, not only cried tears of blood, they also coughed some out while their ears bled.

Casimir led Adira around as he greeted the different heads of their respective houses of various ranks. He somehow felt more warm and accepting than just a minute ago.

Adira didn't mind being dragged around as it was also advantageous for her. That way, she'll be exposed to these family heads and she'll be able to forge necessary connections and foundations among the heirs that actually rose to power.

Of course, only the ones that will actually benefit the country.

And one of them was right in front of her.

"Your highness." The man bowed deeply in respect to Casimir and didn't return to his prior posture till Casimir said so.

He silently gestured for him to be at ease before turning to Adira.

"Adira, William Blackwood." As simple as that.

That was all the introduction he can give to one of his few trusted aides.

William puffed his cheeks in mock irritation before mischievously smirking and grabbed Adira's hand while he knelt in front of her and planted a ghostly kiss—of course he still valued his life than to go beyond this possessive prince's bottom line too much—on Adira's soft hands.

"William Blackwood, first son of Marquess Blackwood, at your service, My Lady." He introduced himself again with a wink before picking himself up and started to chatter.

"Wow, I really cannot imagine how you can converse with the prince whose as stiff and cold as an ice! You really have my respect for that!"

Oblivious to the dropping temperature and Casimir's tightly clenched fists—keeping himself from strangling this chatterbox to silence—as well as Adira's fearful smile for him, William continued to diss the prince.

Not taking it anymore, Casimir was about to thrust his hand to William's neck when Adira's voice managed to stop him on time.

"Not at all. His highness' as passionate as everyone else and he's actually very warm, probably the warmest person that I know." Except, maybe, when he's upset.

She grinned at Casimir, who softly smiled at her words—his heart elating with pride and happiness.

"That's definitely a lie."

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