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The Mad Queen.

At the capital.

The mad queen stared at the hell she created from the highest vantage point in the capital-the church's bell tower. The fiery glow of the burnt city reflected against her cold ashen eyes that were void of any emotions. No anger, sorrow, pain or anything. Just emptiness.

She stood there against the cold night wind with her white dress, dyed with the red of her enemies, and ash-like hair flapping harshly.

Everything would end tonight. All the heartaches. All the sorrow. All the happiness. All the memories. Everything. Everything will be wiped clean.

"Adira!" A masculine voice hatefully called for her attention.

It used to sound so wonderful to her ears. It used to fill her with warmth. It used to drown her with overflowing love.

But no.

Now, all it had was hate. It only grates her ears like a hateful cacophony like an ending requiem. It only douses her with nipping coldness seeping through her very core. It only drowns her, verbally wishing she was dead.

"That should be Queen Adira for you." She casted a cold glare towards the man who was mounted on his own dragon and watch him visibly flinch under her stern gaze.

She wasn't like this. She was never like this. But they pushed her-pushed her to the utmost of her limits and made her who she was now. So who could the people blame upon this tragedy that befell upon them? Certainly not her. It could only be themselves.

If I am nothing but a monster in your eyes. Let me be the most hideous monster then.

Was her silent vow as they pushed her to the edge of her sanity. Robbing her of what she used to be before this insanity.

Touching the scales of the black dragon perched on the church's roof by her side, the dragon, that was already growling in warning to the uninvited guest, gradually accumulated a breath of fire from his chest.

"I will burn everything down and cleanse this world. I will build it anew free from hate, sorrow and unhappiness. I will build a new world." Madness shone in the Queen's eyes.

The dragon only needed her instruction-a slight gesture or touch or word-to openly incinerate this hateful person to ash. Not leaving a corpse for the spiteful other woman to even grieve on.

"Heise, bur-" she was cut off when something sharp suddenly pierced through her body from her shoulders down to her heart. Along with a body that fell from the skies above her.

The last that she saw, before falling down from the tower's peak, was pink locks dancing against the night wind and Heise, her dragon, burning the church down, out of hurt for his mother that was struck down by her vicious nemesis, while diving down to hopefully catch her.

Ah, in the end, you didn't choose me. You never once chose me. You'd rather watch me die than your beloved dying in my hands.

Falling into the fiery hell she created must've been the perfect way for her to die. The other woman would then become the heroine that saved the town's people from the mad queen that burnt half of the population down and the duke-turned-prince would become the hero that protected the heroine.

They would then be wed and have little children. They would live happily in the new world that they would create after vanquishing the evil queen. They would then lead the people unto a prosperous era of peace.

Just... Where?... Where did I go wrong?

If I had another chance at life, would I still be the same? If you, fickle God, gave me another chance at life, I hope to live my life simply and away from them.

So please, when I am reborn, will you please give me a simple life?

A tear escape from her closed eyes and a final roar from Heise before everything vanished.

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