Heise's Family

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The family continued on their stroll back to the palace. Adira and Heise walked hand in hand ahead of Casimir, while the latter carried whatever Adira bought for the child. Not that he minded it anyway.

If anyone minded it, it would only be the onlookers.

The citizens were just very shocked with the scene they were seeing. To live the day they would see their proud prince follow behind a lady like an assistant while carrying her things.

"Papa! Up! Up!" Casimir heard a little voice cry excitedly before his father smiled and raised the child up high before letting him sit on his shoulders.

It made him pause and stare.

He wanted to try that as well.

He hurried and caught up with his wife and son. He suddenly blocked their way and placed the bags down and crouched low.

"Do you want to ride on my shoulders?" He suddenly asked Heise.

Adira and Heise both blinked in confusion before one held a look of slight disgust and annoyance while the other glittered brightly.

"Yes! That's a good idea! Go baby! You should ride Daddy's shoulders while you can!" Adira beamed happily as she successfully attracted both of their attention.

Heise's face now had a firm reluctance and disapproval while the father's eyes brilliantly gleamed in happiness at hearing his wife call him the child's Daddy.

They felt more like a family even more now!

Casimir, pumped up and raring to go, hooked his arms under Heise's armpits and picked him up before letting him sit on his shoulders without waiting nor warning the latter-which startled his poor soul.

He stiffly sat on Casimir's broad shoulders and looked down to his mother with a panicked face which slowly melted away when he saw her happy, excited and beautiful smile. She was having so much fun.

Fine! I'll endure this humiliation for now! If it makes Mommy happy!

Heise resigned and grabbed a fistful of Casimir's silver locks-out of fear of falling but more on frustration. It was his fault he was being humiliated right now! He just had to suggest this kind of ignominy!

He could reject his father but he didn't want to disappoint his mother so he'll endure it well!

Adira was about to pick up the stuffs Casimir placed down briefly when he bent down and picked it up before she could.

"Casey, I can bring some of the bags. You have Heise on your shoulders so you need to support him so he doesn't fall."

She said and held out her open palm to take the bags. Casimir stared at her empty hand briefly before he transferred the bags on his other hand instead and let it hang off his elbows and used the hand he freed to hold hers.

"Let's go."

Was all he said and pulled her forward.

What the hell??? Who's giving this guy lessons on how to smoothly sweep a woman off her feet? I really need to give that person an award!!!

Adira thought as she blushed furiously and hid her face with her hand-which only made Casimir smugly smile as he felt her rising heat being transmitted with their interlinked hands.

Heise was just watching these from up above and tightened his hold on Casimir's hair in jealousy.

He did this on purpose! So he gets to hold Mommy's hand! That should be me!!!

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