How to Kill?

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"My God! Don't scare me like that, Casey!"

Adira exclaimed while hiding the blade she had been playing a while earlier and stood to walk closer to the man, who looked upset.

Well, of course, he would be. He suddenly wakes up to find himself draped to the neck in blanket without his wife in between him and Heise.

And then, when he finally found her, she was secretly alone, in the room next door, with a woman he did not recognize?

I mean, what the hell is this? Is she starting to recruit women into her harem as well?

The man thought while trying real hard not to succumb to her sweet talking her way out of this suspicious meeting in the middle of the night.

"Really, why do you always get jealous of everyone around me? Even though I love you so much I even married you myself because you were taking too long."

Adira muttered, and acted disappointed, while she wrapped her arms around the man's neck. Casimir's originally cold and frozen expression slowly melted into a loyal puppy while watching her act like that.

Although he knew that she was only acting as such, he still let her have her way.

Oh how he spoils her.

Bringing his lips down to her head, he picked her up in his arms and carried her back to bed after whispering a sweet apology and surrendered to her.

"Casey?" Adira suddenly spoke as soon as Casimir laid down beside her.


"Do you have books about the legend of this Maiden of Light?"

Casimir fell silent at her question as he was reminded of Heise's words about her secret. He didn't know if she was aware of her status as being possibly the real Maiden of Light or what but it scared him.

It scared him to think that if Adira knew that she had this incredible strength laying dormant inside of her then she would leave him.

If she knew that she was a hell lot stronger and more powerful than him, then she will leave and find someone else stronger who can protect her.


"Mmm, I'm just curious about her legend. I've always heard how crazy strong she was."

Adira answered before yawning and snuggling back into his warm embrace to which the man gratefully welcomed her and watched her eyes flutter to a close.

"Why do I always feel as if you're flying out of my reach?" Casimir whispered before planting a kiss on the sleeping girl's head and hugged her tightly.

He was about to drift back to sleep as well when the girl's soft yet groggy voice answered him,

"I won't leave you... I can't because I love you too much."


After being confessed to by his wife, although done groggily, Casimir couldn't help the light blush that covers his cheeks when he remembers her words.

It wasn't often that Adira was as blunt as that. She was always playful and liked to kid around. She often avoids having to show too much affection and receiving one-like receiving something akin to that burns her-as if it scares her.

And looking at that woman, who was the same as always and lounging in his office while teaching their son how to write, he felt at ease for once.

He loved days like these the most-where they would all be together and spend the hours as peacefully and as happily as possible.

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