As His Wife

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After having his focus directed somewhere else, Iris took the chance and pierced through the man's heart.

Unfortunately, he was able to push her sword slightly and instead it stabbed through his abdomen. He smirked at Iris before bending closer to her ear to whisper,

"You've got some use after all. Thank you for leading me to the real one. Till our next alliance, Lady Latifolia."

And he promptly facilitated his escape. After the Versaillus knights got their fighting spirit revived by watching Adira and their crown prince fight side by side, the Alynthi soldiers did not last long and were defeated thoroughly.

Iris, who saw the unconscious-just sleeping really-man in the middle of that ring, ran to his side in a ball of worry that she unconsciously pushed the little raven-haired child to the side with more strength.

The mother's eyes, who was shocked to see this kind of rudeness to her cute little child, reddened in anger and landed a very strong slap-stronger than the one she gave to her husband-on the lady's face.

Which successfully made the other woman halt in her actions.

To say that it surprised everyone might be an understatement. But they all understood why their princess flared like that.

She just went full throttle angry mama bird on the other woman!

"Who do you think you are to push my son like that?"

Adira's voice was too sinister and dangerous that everyone-even these strong and buffy knights-felt cold chills run down their spine as they looked at that fiery lividity burning in her ashen eyes.

After witnessing her strength at this battle, they'd either be an idiot or an even bigger idiot to not be afraid of that anger. She was able to kill hundreds of Alynthi soldiers single-handedly! What is one noble lady to her?

They all prayed for this Maiden of Light's-or whatever-soul when faced with this demoness. She looked like she could swallow her whole.

Even if she was this rumored Maiden of Light, she was nothing in front of the Ash Demoness of the Battlefield and the Goddess of the Empire.

Why did you have to go and light the Ash Demoness' fuse?

They all commonly thought while silently watching things unfold-not daring to step in the princess' way and be murdered instead.

I mean, why should they risk their lives for her?

"I-I didn't see him! I was just too worried about Casey-"

And another strong slap landed on the other cheek.

"And who allowed you to call his highness with that name?"

Iris was speechless after taking the second slap which strength did not even weaken after the first one. What was wrong with her calling Casimir with that name?! Adira calls him Casey! So why can't she?

"And who allowed you to call him that way?!" She shamelessly blurted out which only incited another slap.

Damn, this is fun and refreshing. I never got my past life's worth of slap so I'm giving it now.

"My husband did. As his wife, I have every right to call him whatever I want to. Even my dog should I want to."

Adira spoke eerily calm while saying such ridiculous things that the men had this sudden urge to pray that they won't get caught up in this princess' fury.

"He hasn't married you yet! How dare you claim him as your husband?!"

"Oh dear, you're too late to the latest gossips, huh? I married him. Just now."

And the woman, with a victorious smirk on her face, lifted her pretty white hands and flaunted a silver ring on her left fourth finger.

"So don't test my patience, Lady Latifolia." Adira started as she took nice and careful-yet intimidating-steps closer to Iris before she leaned closer and whispered,

"Or I might bury a bitch very soon."

And all the hairs on Iris' body stood like straight pins after hearing Adira's minatory and dark threatening voice filter through her ears. It was gradually filling her with immense fear.

But, she wasn't a Latifolia if she backed down as easily as that. She was raised as the Maiden of Light-the strongest, bravest and most powerful woman in this era.

Not even Adira Sylveris can scare her!

"You don't even know that he's done loving you. In the month that you were gone, he has loved me."

To the words that this woman just spoke of, Adira could only snort mockingly and drew back. She wanted Iris to see just how high she stood right now.

They weren't on the same level anymore like how they were on her past life when she successfully seduced Triton. This time, she stood way above her as Prince Casimir's fiance.

But she decided to humor that very ridiculous and funny notion of Casimir 'loving' her.

"Granting, he may love you-as impossible as that may sound-but at the end of the day, Lady Latifolia, he still worships me."

Oh how perfect Adira looked at that moment. Looking like the Queen and the wife that she was, she leered and turned to leave the boiling speechless woman behind-commanding the knights to help transport Casimir back to the palace.

She made sure it was very clear to Iris' eyes who held the power now-who the people were submitting to and who was standing beside Casimir.

You won't be taking my spot, Iris. Not in this lifetime.

She thought to herself and continued walking on.

While Heise, who walked while clutching his mother's hand, looked up to her and asked the one thing everyone's been curious about.

"Mommy... When did you marry Daddy?"


Everyone thought commonly though they did not dare turn to face the lady, afraid that they may instead receive some residual furor from her bicker with the Lady Latifolia just now.

The woman giggled and brought a finger up to her lips before answering,

"Shuuush, Baby. That was just to keep her away."

And Heise, understanding what his mother meant-although not really that much-formed an O with his lips before giggling as well.

It seems his mother was sly as well.

I'm updating twice cause why not? I passed my exams so I'm happy. Anyway, there ya go! I'm waiting for your comments people~~~ Banzaaaaiiii~ 🎉

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