My Vow To You

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As the mother and son were travelling back to the capital, the King, currently on an audience with the council, was pressured.

They were still demanding him to change Casimir's betrothed to Iris Latifolia.

It wasn't that they were dubious of Adira's capability—they knew she was plenty capable and fitting for the throne she was to succeed should Casimir ascend and they marry.

However, things were different now.

Despite the transgressions of the Baron Latifolia, at least his adoptive daughter, who was innocent of the crime of her father, was clean.

So they saw nothing wrong with making Iris, who was the legendary Maiden of Light, the Queen instead.

The observations they noted for the past few months they were made aware of her status, they saw nothing but a pure and kind soul in the embodiment of Iris Latifolia.

In their eyes, she was fit to be Queen.

"And what about the Lady Sylveris? That girl is more rightful to rise and sit on the throne as the Queen!" A small fraction, who remained loyal and true to the Duke Sylveris, fought back.

"Yes! But it is more important to secure power! Now that the Alynthi Kingdom had been brave and dared to try and take over the empire, who's to say another kingdom wont try?

Now's the time that we enforce our dominion over them and what better way to do that than marry the Crown Prince to the Holy Maiden!"

Another, from the opposite faction, said.

More points and bickering were thrown left and right and Anastasius was getting incredibly annoyed and irritated with all their screaming and blew up.

"Enough! I will not absolve Casimir's engagement with the Sylveris girl! That is final!" The King firmly decided and stood from his throne with a frown before exiting the hall.

He was so done listening to those monkeys bicker nonstop. They even had the time to worry about those useless things when the man involved—their crown prince—hasn't even woken up yet.

It's been two days since Adira dropped him off the palace and went home and he still hasn't opened his eyes.

Anastasius visited Casimir's room and saw the man still in a deep sleep with countless doctors and healers surrounding him, trying to diagnose and figure out why the prince wasn't waking up.

"How is he?" The king asked.

"Your majesty! The prince remains unconscious. He is merely sleeping but he doesn't respond to anything. Even the Lady Sylveris' name isn't enough."

"What's not enough?"

A feminine voice interrupted them and all eyes turned to the door to find the very person they've been using as bait to wake the first prince but to no avail.

And they all fell silent to her question. No one dared to break the news to her.

"Casimir still hasn't woken up."

It was the king who spoke with a sullen voice as he turned his gaze back to his sleeping son.

He looked incredibly peaceful though so at least that lifted a little bit of worry off his chest.

"Why?" Adira asked and approached Casimir's bedside, placing the flowers she and Heise picked from the greenhouse on a flower vase on his table.

"We don't know. They've done everything they could but apparently he doesn't respond to anything. Why don't you have a go, child?"

Anastasius suggested, thinking that maybe if this stubborn man heard his wife's voice, then maybe he'll suddenly spring back to life.

Because, wasn't he always like that? He'll even rise from his grave if he hears his wife calling for him, right?

"Casey, can you hear me? I'm here. We are waiting for you. Heise and I have a surprise for you and I hope you'll love it."

The girl said while softly caressing his silver locks, gently combing her porcelain white slender fingers through his hair.

When there was still no response from the man, she suddenly fished out a small maroon velvet box from Heise's cute little panda knapsack.

She then took something from it before sliding it on his left fourth finger.

"I had Heise cast a defensive type magic on this so it will protect you when I can't. I'm sorry our wedding had to be like this, Casey. But I'm never allowing you to let go of me again and this is my vow to you,

I pledge to you that into your eyes will I smile in the morning. 
I pledge to you my living and my dying, each equally in your care. 
I shall be a shield for your back and you for mine.
Above and beyond this, I will cherish and honor you through this life and into the next."

Adira said her vows before placing a kiss on the makeshift ring she and Heise made for him and placing another one on his lips to seal her vow to him.

From henceforth, she was the Great Demon Lord's—Prince Casimir's wife.

The gallery of healers, doctors, servants and the King himself looked at this beautiful and magical moment as the woman, the prince oh so desperately chased after, finally stopped and willingly tied herself to him.

The servant ladies felt hot tears stream down from their eyes as well as the old doctors and healers.

Anastasius also felt himself almost tear up before he hurriedly looked the other way and blinked really fast in an attempt to hide his tears.

This was indeed a wonderful and heartwarming moment. And although the ceremony wasn't as grand as what a royal wedding should be, it was nonetheless perfect.

"Oh my sweet daughter, have you really thought this through?"

"Yes, your majesty—No, Father. I have made up my mind."

Adira's smile at that moment was the most beautiful they have seen on her yet as she looked at everyone individually with that firm and absolute finality in her entrancing ash-like eyes before she once again turned to the sleeping Casimir.

And her facial features softened into one that held undeniable love and she looked at this man like he was her whole world, before she added,

"I am, from now on, Casimir's wife."

Hi! A little trivia about Adira's vow. It is a Celtic's traditional wedding vow that I tweaked a little bit. So if you are curious about the original and the entirety of it, you can find it in google.

Thanks for the comments, votes, follows and love like always~~ ばんざい~ 🎉

I will be waiting for your comments, okay? lovelovelove

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