So Reckless!

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Your mind went blank as Marcella twisted the door knob, solely focusing on keeping a still smile and not on your tired limbs. "(Y/N), there you are!" Marcella came over to your desk and lifted you up. She apparently had a plan for playtime this afternoon.

Marcella held you under her arm as she grabbed Raggedy Ann, Raggedy Andy, and The Twin Pennies. 'A raggedy playdate, I see you, Marcella.'  You thought, jokingly. She set you all down in a small circle on a worn-out rug, going off to her dresser- the one with the large mirror. She opened the top drawers and pulled out five small teacups for you toys, one large cup for her, and then picked up little wooden blocks. She came back to the circle and set a block in front of you and the others. The Twin Pennies got to share a block, given their small sizes. Then, Marcella placed the small teacups atop the blocks, leading you to realize that she was using blocks as makeshift tables. She sat down in-between you and The Twin Pennies. (If someone was to look at the circle from Marcella's point-of-view, to her left would be you, then Raggedy Andy. Raggedy Ann would be directly across from Marcella at this point, making her also next to Andy. To Marcella's right were The Twin Pennies.)

"Oh, drat! I'll be back dollies!" Marcella swiftly stood up and ran downstairs. Once she did this, you let out a breath of relief and finally looked down to your legs. Luckily, no stitches came undone or anything too extreme, though you had over-worked your material for its new, mainly unused condition. You lifted your left leg, letting it hang limp from your glove-like hands. You quietly groaned, accidentally expressing to the others that you were in discomfort. Both of the Raggedys looked in your direction, whilst The Twin Pennies conducted a conversation amongst themselves. Raggedy Andy wore a face that expressed angry concern, which matched his tone when he harshly whispered, "What were you doing? You almost got caught!" He took you by surprise. He looked down at your stuffed legs and saw the tired materials. "That was so reckless!" You felt bad for coming so close to being caught and bringing the secret to light, but you didn't expect to be scolded about it. "What do you think would've happened if Mar-" "Andrew, stop it!" Raggedy Ann tried to fend for you, cutting Andy off. You opened your mouth to explain yourself and apologize, but the faint click-clacks of Marcella started up again. You really didn't want things to go this way- making enemies on your first day in a new home is never an appealing idea. Coming to terms with knowing you'd have to sit through whatever Marcella made you do and have to wait until later to talk with Raggedy Andy, you sighed solemnly.

Marcella entered the room once more, a teapot in her childishly small hands. "Forgot this downstairs." She smiled sheepishly. She put two paper towels that she folded in her pocket in the center of the circle before placing the teapot over them. Marcella didn't know this- she couldn't know this- but the tension swimming inside that circle was heavy. It was this uncomfortable silence paired with the intense side-glances coming from Raggedy Andy.

A beaming Marcella poured cups of "tea," which was really water, into everyone's cups as carefully as a seven-year-old could. She'd take a sip, then go around the circle holding the cups up to your mouths. Sometimes, a stray droplet of water would splash on yours or someone's face, but it made you want to smile more if anything. It was a lovely distraction from your legs, though it was really the sheer happiness of finally having someone to play with you after being deprived of meaningful affection for so long.

"Is everyone ready for 'The Grand Ball?'" Marcella enquired. You didn't know what that was, but of course, you played along. She moved the wooden blocks, paper towels, teapot and teacups to the side. Then, she picked up The Twin Pennies and moved them to dancing positions. Marcella made a small tower of wooden blocks behind you, then leaned you against the tower to help you stand without her holding you.

You knew that Marcella meant well, but this wasn't exactly ideal for your material. You weren't in pain, but in pure discomfort. Every second you sat there with your cotton legs bent, it got progressively more and more unbearable to sit through. It was getting difficult to keep your face in a still smile.

Meanwhile, Marcella had Raggedy Andy and Raggedy Ann dance together as brother and sister. She had them portray a waltz, to the best of her ability. Anytime that Marcella would turn them to waltz in a circle, they'd take a quick glance at you. Raggedy Ann & Andy both noticed the corner of your mouth twitch slightly. It wasn't to an obvious point, but they saw it. Marcella was too busy focusing on making sure the two dolls stayed together during the dance to see. You tried to space off into the distance, which led to you not immediately processing that Marcella had set Raggedy Ann down and was reaching towards you, Raggedy Andy still in her other hand.

Raggedy Andy x Female Ragdoll ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz