The Grand Ball

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You tried to space off into the distance, which led to you not immediately processing that Marcella had set Raggedy Ann down and was reaching towards you, Raggedy Andy still in her other hand.

By the time you had regained focus on her, Marcella had already wrapped her hand around your stuffed waist. She set you up in Ann's earlier position, placing Raggedy Andy's right hand on your back, pressing his left and your right hands together to mimic a handhold. She pressed your left hand onto his shoulder, and held your bodies together as she swayed you two.

You got a fuzzy feeling in your stomach. You were unfamiliar with this feeling- you'd never felt it before, but this whole situation came as a great surprise to you. You saw Andy's eyes enlarge slightly, as he was also taken aback. You two had to stare at each other while you swayed, so you took the opportunity to observe his features. You took note that even though his eyes were wide, his smile never faltered. Of course, he'd never admit this, but both of the Raggedys were fond of love and affection, so Andy wasn't in any way disliking this. He wasn't particularly pleased with how heedless you were, but he always reacted well to affection at the right time.

'What am I feeling right now?' These thoughts racked your filled head, but that was short lived as Marcella set you both down to get some music. Though, what she didn't bother to do was lay you down separately. So, in result, you lay on top of Raggedy Andy, who hadn't lifted his hand off of your back. Your breath seized as you inhaled his scent.

The faint giggle of Raggedy Ann sounded from a few feet away. After a minute or so of not being able to move away from Andy, Marcella came back with a small music box. She opened it, letting the sound ring through the room. It gave the situation a certain mood, almost like you and Andy were sharing some sort of intimate exchange. Soon enough, you two were dancing again by Marcella's helping hands, and suddenly you were at peace with what was happening. You didn't know if Andy felt peaceful too, or if he had the fuzzy feeling, but you felt calm.

As the waltz continued, Marcella had Raggedy Andy twirl you, then dip you. She was merely portraying what she had seen on TV with her mother, but she didn't know how well she was doing it. Finally, as the music box came to a sweet end, Marcella had you two bow to each other before gently sitting both of you down.

Marcella bursted out in a fit of clapping and laughing, as if telling you two that it was a great performance. You felt the urge to (laugh/giggle/chuckle) as well. Andy on the other hand, was silent. He was truthfully dumbfounded- he'd never played like that before. He liked the emotion radiating from the piece of music and from the dance, though.

"Marcella! Come down for dinner!"
"Okay Mom, coming!"

Marcella got up with the music box in her hands, walking out of the door with a quick, "Raggedy Ann, you look after the playroom!"

It was silent with the echos of Marcella's shoes downstairs.


The nursery erupted into laughing, cheering and clapping. Raggedy Ann laughed, clapping and jumping up and down. "Hahaha! That was so fun! You two were great!" She cheered triumphantly. You (curtsied with an upbeat smile/joined the toys in a hearty laugh). "Hey, Annie, could I talk to you later?" Raggedy Andy whispered, out of your earshot. She accepted his request, then dragged him by the wrist over to you and the crowd of toys to join in on the excitement.

Hey everyone! WE HAVE REACHED 106 READS!!! This is so awesome! It really makes me super happy when I see all of the reads and get comments from you guys! I'm sorry that this chapter isn't longer, I started losing inspiration for this one and didn't wanna add too much and overdo it. I'll try to make the next one longer for ya! See you tomorrow!

Raggedy Andy x Female Ragdoll ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now