Unanswered Questions (4th of July Special)

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"Hey, Annie, could I talk to you later?" Raggedy Andy whispered, out of your earshot. She accepted his request, then dragged him by the wrist over to you and the crowd of toys to join in on the excitement.

Once the moon emerges, the nursery begins winding down. Now, of course, dolls and toys don't require sleep, so you'll find a couple of the playroom toys running around quietly. But mostly, the toys enjoy the relaxation of the night and would find themselves usually going through a sleep-like state.

All of the lights in the house were off, but it was strangely quiet. After Marcella gets sent to bed, her parents usually stayed away for a few more hours, watching TV and whatnot. But tonight was different. It was as if no one was in the house except the toys, and it was unsettling. Though, it was only unsettling because Marcella would always give them a heads-up when she leaves. So, confused and needing to think about the day's earlier actions, you climbed up onto the windowsill that Raggedy Ann showed you. You gazed up into the clear sky, trying to search deep into yourself to find an explanation for earlier's emotions.

Meanwhile, Raggedy Andy went off looking for his sister. He eventually found her, talking to Babette. "Hey Andy!" Ann waved, acting out her animated personality. "Hi Ann. Could we.." he trailed off, making hand gestures, "..-have that talk now?" He finished. Ann made an 'o' shape with her mouth, indicating her realization. She nodded with a seemingly permanent smile, saying her goodbyes to Babette and saying they'd continue their chat another time. With that, they were off- walking in a strange silence. Andy wasn't ever the most quiet soul, so it wasn't particularly normal behavior for him. Once they settled next to the dresser (with the mirror), it was time for Raggedy Ann to ask, "Is everything okay, Andy?"
"I think so, just confused."
"About what?"
Andy thought about what to say; how to explain his predicament. "Well, it's about playtime today. It was so weird." He said it like he might've been overreacting. "What was wrong?" Ann asked, concern slowly seeping in.
"That's the thing- I'm not sure. When Marcella made me and (Y/N) dance, my stomach felt silly. It was like there were birds.. or butterflies in there. But it didn't feel bad; it was sorta nice." He was embarrassed explaining this, as it felt private in a way, so he looked all around- avoiding eye contact. Ann giggled with her hands covering her mouth, her innocent mind thinking that him and (Y/N) started bonding. "Oh Andy, you and (Y/N) are becoming friends!" She whisper-cheered, happy that his ignorance of new dolls was melting away.

Back with you and the windowsill, the comforting moon shone it's light down on your cloth face. You were slowly reaching the conclusion of a deep friendship in the making, as none of you toys or dolls had heard of a thing like a, "crush." None of you even knew what a relationship was- the only 'ship' known to you guys was a, 'friendship.' This was actually quite a nice conclusion to you, since you were determined to be friends with Raggedy Andy.

You were ripped out of your thoughts by a loud BOOM! A flash of colorful light struck your button eyes. A collective 'gasp' was carried around the nursery, as all the playroom toys were startled. In a state of fearful surprise, you crawled backwards; away from the window. In doing so, instead of your hand being met with wooden windowsill, it was met with air. You fell, backwards, off of the sill. You exhaled in a small, "Ah-," like a scream that hadn't yet reached full force. You were going down headfirst, until you collided with the wood floor. A tiny, "Oough," popped out, letting it be known when the breath was knocked out of you. Both of the Raggedys came towards you and helped you off of the ground, the two immediately inspecting your head stitches.

"I'm alright, guys," you assured them. "It's always good to check," Ann replied softly. Andy only nodded in agreement. There wasn't much time until another loud noise rang through the room with a sparkle of color outside. The toys huddled up in one single group and went to the window. These noises and colors had happened every year before, but they never happened so close since Marcella and her family always went somewhere else on this day. You looked down below the sky and to the right, where you saw the silhouettes of Marcella with her parents.

Sometimes, a fountain of sparks would act, and other times, what looked like a rocket would fire up into the sky with a trail of yellow behind it, then exploding in a bright circle-esque shape. Andy was to your left and Ann was on his side. In reflex, when the big sounds would go off, you could feel Andy clench his hand around your's, then slowly release it. Ann was hanging on Andy, and he'd console her while also still wanting to be consoled. And as everyone sat adorned by the light of the fireworks, you thought about all of the memories you'd make together with everyone, including Andy.

Raggedy Andy x Female Ragdoll ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now