Cynthia's Arrival

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You had nothing much to do, so you just conversed with Susie Pincushion about the leg issue from before, receiving advice to try to avoid constant walking, and to come see her if any rips occur. The playroom toys were all just trying to kill some time until 5 rolled around. '5 o'clock, here we come.'

After about an hour of moping around, Raggedy Ann invited you to play a game of tag. "Sure, I'll play!" You replied, uplifted to have something to do. Whilst chasing Ann around the nursery, you could feel a gaze burn into your back. Without skipping a beat, you looked toward where you felt the presence. It was Raggedy Andy, almost expectantly. He was up on the window. Instead of turning away from you, he held contact and smiled before pulling his hat down over his face, resting.

Things had been a little strange with him lately; the hand-holding from yesterday night, the peculiar silence, everything was starting to get questionable with him. Andy was never the most associative guy, but he wasn't ever afraid to speak his mind. Maybe that made it seem like he was insensitive. The toys usually let him do his own thing, and he was fine with that, though he was being extremely detached lately. 

You had nearly stopped running, slowly jogging forward while still looking in his direction. "Pause game!" Raggedy Ann called out while skipping to you. Quickly, you turned your head back towards her, embarrassed that she might've caught you staring. "Is everything okay, (Y/N)?" She softly questioned. "(It's fine, sorry about that./It's fine, let's resume the game.)" She wasn't buying it, so she looked in the direction that you were previously. Her eyes went straight to the tangerine-haired boy, and she instantly knew what she needed to. "Hehe, I understand. No worries, I'm not judging," she beamed.

The great thing about toys is that they're designed to be the way their owners want. Marcella wanted Raggedy Ann to be understanding and knowing, so that's the way she is, making it relatively easy for her to see the situation between you and her brother. "In fact," she started, "-it might not be a bad idea to go talk to him, dear. I think he's just trying to warm up to you." She tried to keep her brother's emotions veiled, since even he didn't realize them, while still trying to keep you two close to each other.

You thought about her advice, and ultimately decided on following through with it. "Thanks, Ann. Continue the game later?" She nodded happily and watched you go. 'How bad can it go, anyway?'  You started your journey across the room, and came to the window. Readying your legs, you made a leap upwards and caught the windowsill in your cloth grip. Andy heard you climbing, so he peeked out of his hat. Upon seeing that it was you, he took the hat off of his face and put it back on his head. Once you got up, without his help, you plopped down across from him. "(What're you doing up here?/What're you doing all alone up here?)" You asked him. "Ah, uh, I'm resting. Can't ya tell?" "Pff, yes, but you've been being a loner for a while now." The statement made him take a second to come up with an answer worth telling. "I'm usually doing my own thing, toots. What, are you worried about me?" He chuckled through the last question, saying it in a joking manner, though behind it was some sincere curiosity.

"(Well, yeah./A little bit, yeah./Yeah, it's concerning./Uh.. no, just concerned is all.)" He wasn't sure why he expected a joke answer, but that was not what he got. Now, you were just surprising him. "Well.. I uh... Ahaha," Andy rubbed the back of his neck in a sudden nervousness. "I don't really understand it myself. Sometimes someone needs to think and be alone, so that's what I do. I just do that a lot." His tone was softer now, making it seem like he was letting you in on something personal. You nodded, trying to be understanding. "Well, how about you come down and join our game? We could use another player," you nudged. It was true that you wanted him to join that game, but you also just wanted him to start being around you and everyone else more to socialize. "Yeah, why not. I've got nothin' better to do."

He started getting down off of the windowsill, falling down to floor harmlessly. He stood there and waited for you to come down as well, looking up and making eye contact. So, you started climbing down in the same way you came up, slowly but surely. After a couple seconds of lowering yourself, you heard his feet pat-pat behind you. You could feel his firm hands grip your cloth waist and help you down gently. Once you two were back at floor level, (you grabbed his hand and ran back to Raggedy Ann with Andy trailing behind you./ You started running back to Raggedy Ann with Andy behind you.) "Andy! Nice to finally see you back here with us," Ann said cheerily. "Every game needs a boy like me to make the game interesting!" He boasted, puffing his chest out to seem all the more masculine and tough.

Then, the game commenced. He'd be it and chase everyone close to him (especially you and Ann), tagging you once in a while. It was a simple game, but it was all the entertainment you needed to get past this boring point in the day. Occasionally, you'd have to take breaks because of what Susie Pincushion told you about your legs, but besides that, everything was great.

After multiple rounds, it was finally time for Marcella to come in the room. She was grabbing her shoes that she left in the nursery. "Guess what, dollies? Cynthia's coming early today!" She was full of excitement. She ran out of the room, down the stairs and out of the door. Cynthia lived five minutes away in driving distance, so Marcella's mother was going to pick her up.

Ten minutes of silence later, the car pulled back in the driveway. Little Marcella bounded up the stairs to the nursery, you all could hear it,  and a second pair of feet came up with her. Marcella came in the room with a little girl behind her. The little girl had Marcella's complexion, except this girl had light brown hair. This was Cynthia.

"Dollies, this is my friend Cynthia!" Marcella held her hands out towards her friend, showing her off to all of your eyes. Cynthia did a little wave. "Can we play with them?" Cynthia hurriedly asked Marcella, still looking down at you and the toys. It was obvious that she was thrilled to play with Marcella's dolls and such. "Mhm, sure!" They both bent down, examining which toys to take. Cynthia took one, not both, of The Twin Pennies; the one on the right. Marcella took Maxi Fixit and Socko, then they opened Babette's house and put the selected toys inside. This was going to be a long day of watching Marcella play, but it was somewhat worth it to see her so happy with her little school friend. Though, something rubbed you weird about how eager Cynthia was to play with you all. It wasn't suspicious to you, you didn't really know that feeling anyway, you just felt a tad bit strange about her.

As they played together, you were zoning out thinking about playing tag with Raggedy Ann & Andy, thinking about playing another round after Cynthia left.

I'M BACKKKK! Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter. I'm so sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've been at a motivation slow and wasn't up to the task for a couple days. I've been working on and off with this chapter, and it's the longest one yet! c:    I'll be trying to post on the regular again, soooo I'll be seeing all of you in the next chapter! Bye bye!

Raggedy Andy x Female Ragdoll ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now