cookie jar

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"WAIT, WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE between low fat milk and regular milk, Rei?" Y/n whispered in a panicked state as she called her friend on her small white flip phone, standing in the freezer section of the buzzing supermarket

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"WAIT, WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE between low fat milk and regular milk, Rei?" Y/n whispered in a panicked state as she called her friend on her small white flip phone, standing in the freezer section of the buzzing supermarket.

"Geez, I told you to quit going shopping alone. You always get confused. AND SOME BOY COULD MAKE A MOVE ON YOU!!"

Y/n pulled the phone away from her ear as Rei lectured her, squinting her eyes from the loud volume. Once she was finished, y/n put the phone back to her face. "...Sorry Rei." She sweat dropped.

"Ah, it's fine. The only thing that separates the two is the fat content, but it really makes no difference. Get whatever one you want."

"Okay, thanks for the help!"

"When you get home, tell me, and I'll help you put up the groceries!"

"Mm! Thanks!"

Y/n hung up the phone, slipping it into her skirt pocket. Coming home from school, she decided to do some quick grocery shopping and stock up on supplies. Shopping was one of y/n's favorite things to do, but, with her overprotective friends—Rei specifically—she wasn't really permitted to do it alone.

She placed the regular milk jug into her cart, grinning. Milk, check! Just a few more items to go!!

I NEARLY BOUGHT OUT THE WHOLE STORE!!Y/n stumbled out the glass doors of the supermarket, multiple plastic bags lining both of her arms

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Y/n stumbled out the glass doors of the supermarket, multiple plastic bags lining both of her arms. They were so heavy, that even she was having trouble carrying them.

They had some coupons and I let myself go overboard! There's no way I can carry this home! I could call Rei to help me, but I can't even reach my phone! What do I do!?—


The girl quickly turned over her shoulder, to see a blonde boy with an undercut and bright blue eyes, looking at her with a worried look. He was wearing a school uniform, which consisted of a white collared shirt, a red tie, and black pants. He wore a single silver hoop earrings, and he held his blazer over his shoulder, most likely because it was too hot to wear.

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