106. first date

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(refer to chapter seventy - seventy two!)

"so..." jongseob's hands fidget with the strings hanging off his jacket, his brows knitted in concentration in a failed attempt to keep the pink from rising up his cheeks. "what happens now?"

the boy standing opposite him shrugs, a faint smile dancing on his lips. "i don't know, do you want to be my boyfriend or something?" shota asks nonchalantly, though his heart is pumping rapidly, making him almost breathless.

at his words, jongseob is unable to keep the beam from spreading on his face. "yeah, that sounds cool." both teens make eye contact, before bursting into laughter of pure happiness, shota finally releasing the breath he had been holding for so long.

. . .

sitting with his legs splayed out lazily, back resting against the dance mirror, and hand occasionally brushing against his new boyfriend's is everything jongseob wished for and more.


"do you wanna do something?" shota says sleepily. jongseob immediately sits up, eyes lighting up. "let's go on a walk!" he suggests. "yuto hyung is coming to practice soon anyway. we should get out of here before he comes."

the older shrugs. "why not?"

it's already dark outside, and just the slightest bit chilly, which is the perfect excuse for jongseob to inch closer ever so discreetly. an awkward sixteen year old experiencing his first relationship, he adjusts his cap before sticking his hands in his pockets, unknowingly eliciting a small pout from shota.

for a while, the two of them are silent, simply basking in the calmness of the dusk atmosphere and faint sounds of faraway cars providing white noise to their ears.

then, jongseob gasps, startling the japanese boy. "look!" he says, delight filling his giddy voice. "a kitten! it's so cute!" he gushes, instantly kneeling down to pet it's small head.

"i don't think that's a kitten. it's probably an adult cat." shota observes, frowning as he watches jongseob cooing at the black and brown patterned creature.

despite his immense dislike of cats, he can't help but think that it looks absolutely adorable next to the even more stunning boy. unable to restrain himself, shota casually swipes to his phone camera, and snaps a picture of jongseob who is now trying desperately to call the cat back to him.

"jeremy! where are you going?" the slinky animal narrowly escapes the boy's hands, making its way to the other. loudly, it meows, pawing at shota's legs, who gasps in horror.

"you gave that thing a name?" he says disgustedly, dodging its muddy feet. "yes, his name is jeremy, and don't reject him! look, now he's sad." jongseob says reproachfully, leaning down to stroke the cat's back.

shota peers down at it—him—and the cat stares back at him, blinking it's eyes innocently. "i don't know...it looks evil to me."

letting out an impatient noise, jongseob gestures for shota to bend down with him. "come on! i love cats, how could you not?"

"they're just nasty." shota shudders, crossing his arms defiantly. jongseob sighs. "you're so stubborn."

without bothering to get up, he stretches out his arm, grasping shota's hand and pulling him down in one action. stunned, shota loses his footing, and trips, falling straight into the arms of jongseob. speechless, the two can't keep their gaze off each other, until jongseob breaks the silence.

"jeremy is a baby, he needs attention! at least pet his head once." jongseob demands, and shota blinks, jerked out of the kdrama scenario playing through his head. "you're a coward. did a cat scratch you before or something?"

"what? oh...yeah."

"you're such a baby. who would've thought you were older than me?" jongseob mutters, standing and stretching, looking awfully like the cat who is now doing yoga like moves on the tarmac.

shota ignores him, and drags him away from an indifferent jeremy.

. . .

"hey, look." jongseob points in the direction of nowhere. "there's literally nothing-"

a hand grabs shota's and forces it into some weird position, and he hears the sound of a phone camera clicking.

"it's a heart! our heart!" jongseob laughs, showing the picture to shota, who simply stares at it, aghast that such a cute couple picture could be taken without his knowledge.

"now i'm going to doubt the realness of all that shit people post online." shota points out, but he doesn't really mind, his lips curving at the sight of his boyfriend's fingers joining with his.


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i took two fucking weeks to get this chapter out....appreciate it because it ain't coming again any time soon

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soul's cult



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