118. i like us

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before i get into this chapter, i have something important to say. the past few months, ive been thinking really hard about myself. and after talking things through with some of my close friends, i think im ready to kind of tell other people? i guess lol. im genderfluid, comfortable with both fem and masc pronouns though my level of comfort differs at different times. i think the turning point to my realisation was a fic by -choisans where they talked about gender and sexuality, which i couldnt be more grateful for! anyway, enough said, i hope you guys are okay with this, okay with me. i think worrying what you'd think psyched me out a little, but im here now.


white blonde strands flutter about theo's face, tickling his nose and making it scrunch up, not in discomfort. his hands are buried deep in the pockets of his sweatshirt to escape the beginnings of an autumn-turning-winter breeze, so he lets his hair be. around them, he doesn't care how he looks.

at the thought, theo does a little skip of excitement, before immediately checking to see that no judgmental stranger has caught eye of him. it's been forever since he last met up with all three of them; for a date, no less.

the corners of his mouth involuntarily turning up, he quickens his pace towards the warmly lit café where he can see a head of freshly dyed raven hair bent over to inspect something on the table as fingers tap impatiently on the wood. four cups have been served to the table, one half-full and situated nearest to the person.

there is a gentle jingle from the door chimes, and the boy sitting sprawled by the window glances up so fast theo can hear his neck crick from metres away.

lips twitching, theo approaches the boy, who has his eyes fixed on theo's own, fingers pausing their motion. "hey." he breathes, a smile growing on his face.

"hey, fancy seeing you here." theo replies casually, pulling a chair and lowering himself onto it. "someone told me i'd find a few pretty boys here. seems like there's only one, though." he sighs in faux disappointment, eyes twinkling at the red slowly making its way up his companion's cheeks.

"you can't just say things like that." keeho huffs, hands covering his face in embarrassment. "you've got to save that for when they're here too!"

raising an eyebrow, theo slides the coffee cup that's filled to the brim with americano towards his end of the table, taking a deep sip from it. "i didn't know there were rules to this."

"well, no, but-" "personally, i think you're just mad you're the only one blushing here."

at his words, keeho throws his hands up in a gesture of giving in, and theo chuckles. he wraps his palms around the steaming mug, savouring the relief it grants him from the crisp wind outside. nodding towards the quickly emptying cup in his partner's hands, he asks, "how early did you come?"

keeho glances down, looking mildly surprised at the sight. "actually, i only came about ten minutes ago. i guess i was nervous."

theo wants to ask why, but the door chimes ring once more, and both their eyes dart up. "woah." keeho breathes, and theo is reminded that this...arrangement, whatever it is, is still new, and that the canadian seated beside him hasn't seen him like that before.

"sorry i'm late." the newcomer utters, hints of breathlessness in his voice. he eyes the two chairs on the opposite side of the table, before slumping into the one in front of theo. if keeho notices this so-called decision, he doesn't show it. "practice ran over time, jongseob fucked up his ankle a little, so we had to rearrange the choreography. where's jiung hyung?" intak adds, slipping the bomber jacket off his shoulders and running a hand through sweat slicked hair.

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