2.Why are you so nice to me?

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We got inside and the first I saw was him. "Omg Tess he's looking at me." Sophie cheered.

He wasn't looking at her. He was looking at me. I could feel his glowing eyes scanning every inch of my body. "I'm gonna get something to drink." I sighed already regretted going.

"Okay I'll go dance." She said and disappeared before even finishing her sentence.

I was pouring drinks and I could feel him standing behind me. "You came." He said while stepping up beside me.

"I came because Sophie wanted to go." My eyes still focused on the drinks.

"Are you sure you didn't come to see me?" I faced him only to meet a grin with his straight teeth showing.

He was wearing a black dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up and three buttons open revealing part of his chest.

"Yes I am, and now if you could excuse me I have to go." I snapped and turned. "Not so quick sweetheart."

He grabbed my arm and pulled me against him. "I don't get it." He started. "Why don't you want to talk to me?" His face was much to close for my liking. I had to get away.

"Ryan let me go!" "I'll let you go if you have dinner with me tomorrow." He was grinning down at me. One hand on my wrist and the other on my waist.

"I can't and I don't want to." I said and tried not to meet his intense stare.

"Why, what's stopping you?" His eyes lingered on mine as I thought for a moment. "Nothing is stopping me. I just don't like you."

His grip on my wrist tightened. "Okay sweetheart lets make a deal. If you don't like hanging out with me tomorrow, I'll leave you alone." He suggested.

"No I'm not making a deal with you." I tried twisting out of his grip, but it was no use.

"And why is that?" He said moving his head wanting for my eyes to meet his.

"You are a arrogant, selfish and a manipulating person." I tried getting out of his grip, but I couldn't. I knew he wasn't going to let go so I gave up. "Okay, deal! Can I go now?"

"Yes you can, and btw you look stunning tonight." I picked up the drinks, but almost spilled them in the process.

I turned around with a tiny little smile on my face from his comment. That smile disappeared fast when I saw Sophie looking confused at me.

I walked over to her. "What did you and Ryan talk about?" She asked a little worried.

"Umm nothing much he just asked me if I had seen his umm his  phone." I lied. "Oh, ok."

"Anyway here's your drink." I handed her one and took a sip of my own.  " Thanks. Lets go dance."

We danced for hours. I wasn't that drunk I just loved to dance. After a while I got tired and sat down on the couch.


"Psst psst, Sweetheart?" I opened my eyes. He was standing over me with his hair falling down in his face.

"Huh?" I asked confused. "You fell asleep." He explained with a soft look on his face.

"Where is everyone?" I asked while sitting up. "Almost everyone left."

"Wait, do you know if Sophie's still here?" "I think she left." Fuck, fuck, fuck. She was my ride here.


He started telling the people that was left that the party was over and that they had to leave. I quickly picked up my phone and tried to call for an Uber.

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