22. So this was just some dumb fever act to you?

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I closed my eyes, but I couldn't fall asleep. It felt like hours had went by. I was just laying there shivering with my body curled up in a ball.

My thoughts went back to the fireplace right by the bedroom. As quietly as I could I tiptoed out of the bedroom and headed for the fire place. The floor was freezing cold as I stepped on it.

When I rounded the corner I saw Ryan laying on the small couch infront of the fire. He was tucked in a gray blanket. His head was turned away from me, so all I could see was the top of his head. His brown hair was messy as always.

I tried turning as quietly as I could, but it was too late. He had already seen me. "Hey prin... Tessa." He said with his face now visible.

"Ehm, hey." I pulled at the bottom of the hoodie trying to hide my exposed thighs.

"Why are you still up?" He asked.

"I could ask you the same." My whole body was shaking as I stood there.

"I couldn't sleep. It felt like I was going to freeze to death so I came here." He explained.


He looked at me worried as he saw I was shivering. Then he lifted the blanket offering me to stay under it with him. "No thanks." I said and lifted my eyebrows.

"But you're shivering Tessa. Clearly you're cold."

I was cold. In fact I was freezing. But I couldn't— "I just don't think it's a good idea that we. You know..."

"Come on it's fine. Nothing we haven't done before." He said with a smirk forming his lips.

"Ryan we are not together anymore." I informed him.

"I'm aware of that." He said and rolled his eyes.

"And I have a boyfriend." I nodded my head in the direction of the room Carlos was sleeping in.

"I'm not going to do anything you don't want me to."

I started getting colder. I really wanted to get under the blanket with him, but I knew it wasn't a good idea. I sighed. "Ok fine but this doesn't mean anything ok. Because I." "I know, I know you have a boyfriend." He cut me off.

I laid down next to him with barely any blanket on. His hand went around my waist and he pulled me closer to him. "What are you doing!" I hissed by surprise.

"If you stay that far away you won't get any blanket."

I instantly felt warmer as my cold body touched his hot body. I was faced away from him staring into the fire. His arm was wrapped around me in a way that made me feel safe again. He always knew how to do that.

And I hated it, I hated him and I hated how he made me feel.

I turned around and scanned his face. Our faces were so close that if either one of us moved even a slightest bit forward we would touch. The worst part was that I wanted to. I wanted to kiss him. My self control really dropped from a hundred to one when I was with him.

"What was your question earlier?" I finally said to get my mind off his lips.

"And I should tell you that, because?" His breath smelled like mint as always. Fresh.

"It had something to do with me, therefore I should know." I insisted.

"What makes you think it was about you?" He said and smirked.

"Eh, because... The way you looked at me. I know it was, so just tell me."

His eyes met mine not intending to leave any time soon. "If you would ever forgive me." My eyes went to his lips as he spoke the words. They shouldn't have. Because now I more then ever wanted to kiss him. Those soft lips against mine. I just had to remember. Just a little. Maybe if I just... I won't think about him anymore.

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