chapter 5

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Anu came sat on couch in living room after hectic day at work, these days she was getting exhausted physically and mentally, her work load increased in office as the project which her team was working was coming to end and her in laws are persuading her to meet a guy.

Why can't they understand she don't want to meet any guy, she can't marry anyone she only love shiv and she will forever.

"Anu" she heard Neela's voice, she lifted her leashes to look at her, giving water to Anu, neela spoke

"Tomorrow is week off for you right" she nodded "there is a boy, he is from good family"

"I don't want to meet anyone ma" Anu said getting up from couch

"You have to Anu, no excuses are given or taken" Neela raised her voice, she was fed up now, all she wanted was see her happy in her life but her daughter in law is adamant on her decision

"You are meeting him tomorrow I will send you location where to meet" Anu gritted her teeth.

"Fine" he said frustratingly and went from there


"What the hell you are wearing" Abhiman turned only to see his frowning older brother

"Ofcourse suit" Abhiman said with same expression

"You idiot you are going to meet a prospective bride not for business meeting" Sharath gasped dramatically

"Iam going I don't have time for your dramas you can ply them when I come back"

"So eager to meet the girl, little brother" Sharath cocked his eyebrows , Abhiman left the house without saying anything to his brother.


Anu glanced at resturant infront of her KHAaNA was writen on it, she remembered she came to same resturant for team lunch too but it was different branch in same city, she slowly walked into the resturant cursing the person she has to meet.

"Table No 8" Anu asked as soon as she entered resturant, they guided her towards table, she tanked and sat there waiting for the person. She glanced around and she was impressed by the interior of it, she realised this interior is total opposite to the interior of the other branch. She sighed looking at the time in her wrist watch.

Every person in the restaurant gasped when they found Abhiman walking into resturant, he saw message where it was written table number 8 and walked towards it, he saw a lady sitting there facing her back towards him. He walked towards the table and sat opposite to the person.

When Anu felt someone sat opposite to her he lifter her head, but frowned looking at him

"Do I know you earlier" she asked looking at him, Abhiman smirked arrogantly

'Typical ladies, they just want some reason for flirting with me, and it's a typical question every lady asks me' Abhiman thought and spoke

"You no need to flirt with me when we are already here for pruposal thing" Anu frowned at him, where does it came from, when she was even flirted

"Flirting?? in your dreams mister, I will die before before I flirt with you" Anu gritted her teeth.

"Oh just the drama" Abhiman said


"Wait!! you are the same arogant jerk that day in store" Anu said pointing towards him. Realisation hit Abhiman, she was same lady from store.

"I can't believe ma sent me to meet this jerk" Anu mumbled

"Excuse me" Abhiman said when he heard what she said

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