Chapter 33

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Abhimaan looked towards Adhira when he smelled parathas in car

"Why did you opened your box now princess, isn't it for your lunch" Abhimaan frowned

"Yes dada, buth two fol youh (yes dada but two for you)"

"You asked two extra parata from your mumma for me" Abhimaan asked amused, Adhira nodded her head

"This is youl favol.... Favolate, and Adi know mumma dada ale fighthing ( this is your favourite and Adi know mumma dada are fighting)" Abhimaan sighed when he heard her, he know his daughter is a lot mature for her age, and now he understood why she forced Anu to eat and ahe asked asked extra food for him.

"Thank princess, I will eat them" Abhimaan took it from her and started eating

"Dada will mumma papa too get di..... Divserse like Sejal's mumma papa" Adhira whispered in a low voice Abhimaan frowned when he didn't get what she was saying but suddenly it hit him

"You mean divorce" he asked, Adhira nodded making his breath hitch, it's not the age of her to know about all these things, he feared it might effect her mental health

"No princess, why would I and your mumma get divorce, and you know I love your mumma this much" he spread his hands as much as possible in the car " and where there is so much love there will not be any divorce" Adhira frowned, Abhimaan smiled and started to speak again " you tell me do you love your vee" Abhimaan asked he could only think of that example right now, Adhira nodded her head

"You love vee, but you fight with him daily right" he asked Adhira nodded again "did your Vansh chachu left you ever"

"No vee always comes to me" Adhira spoke, Abhimaan smiled

"That is it princess, I love your mumma and your mumma loves me, we fight over some silly things but atleast we will come to each other" Abhimaan spoke, Adhira didn't understood moat of it but she nodded with relif as she got to know her parents are not getting divorce

"Who told you about divorce Ira" Abhimaan asked little strictly

"Sejal, she saild hel mumma papa are Divserse and she meeth hel papa only on Sunday ( she said her mumma papa are divorced and she meet her papa only on Sunday)"

"Princess, don't ever think it can happen with our family too if it happened for others, everyone in the world is different so are their stories, we may find others stories similar to us sometimes but it would be far more different" he know Adhira won't understand even one percent of it but he want to tell her, and teach her everything he could.

"Okay dada" she spoke making him smile

"My princess is a big baby, understands everything" he kissed her cheek, Adhira giggled and returned his gesture by kissing him on his cheek


Abhimaan sighed entering into the home,it was almost midnight and he had a really long day at work, all he wanted to sleep as soon as he eat dinner, he frowned when he saw Adhira was sleeping on couch in the hall and cartoons was running in the telivision, he didn't understood why was Adhira sleeping there and where is Anu

"Princess" Abhimaan shook her

"Dada" Adhira opened her eyes, which instantly filled with tears, making him worry

"Ira what happened princess, where is mumma" he asked cradling her in his arms.

"Mumma noth well" she spoke snuggling into him

"Let's go see her"

"Jaan" Abhimaan shook Anu a little, he made Adhira sit on the bed and quickly held Anu in his arms

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